Thank you Veterans on this Memorial Day

  • rvvrrat
    The Sand Prairie
    Posts: 1842

    I wanted to take a minute and thank those of you have served in the armed forces so that I and my family can live in such a great country and enjoy the freedom we have.

    If you get a minute this weekend please say a prayer for my brother-in -law. He served in the Marines in Vietnam and is now in a battle for his life because of cancer cause by Agent Orange.

    Thank again to all you vets. We all owe you.


    Posts: 7


    You are very much welcome, and we are happy to be of service.


    Apple Valley/Isle, MN
    Posts: 614

    Rvvrrat, Thanks for reminding us.

    Vets, I can’t thank you enough!

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 139

    Thank you vets – I’ll be thinking about you this weekend

    Prior Lake
    Posts: 79


    thank you for reminding us of what this weekend is really all about. thank you to all the vet’s on this board for ensuring we keep our freedom to enjoy the many blessings of this great country.

    rvvrrat, i will also keep your brother in my prayers this weekend. i lost my brother to cancer 7 years ago. he served 6 years in the navy.

    god bless, and everyone have a safe holiday weekend.

    Cottage Grove, Minn
    Posts: 1551

    What a Forum! Someone needs a hand or a mental boost or something needs to be said, it’s a done deal. The reason I joined was because of all the real people here.

    Thanks, Vets. Sorry I couldn’t help in ‘Nam but I still believe my 30-06 and I could raise some [censored] in a desert somewhere. But that’s only talk, you folks walked the talk for us when we needed it most.

    Owatonna Mn 55060
    Posts: 174

    Thanks Rat and All who care

    I walked the talk (68 thru 70) And proud of it !!! Mad it out with most of my sanity, But some days I wonder !! Sorry to here about your brother-in-law (He paid his time in hell !!) Tell him HOO-YAHHH !! Welcome back! Love ya man !!! and I will say a prayer for him !

    Richard (Smitty)

    Keep a tight line !!!

    Hager City, WI
    Posts: 475

    This is going to be an extra specail memorial day weekend for me. My grandfather fought in wwII at guada canal with the marines and was wounded. He is very dear to me and hw tought me a lot about cattin….

    My father was 17 when he enlisted in the marines and fought in Khe Sahn…. were he saw way to much…. it hardened him a lot but he tought me a lot about life, rivers, and walleye fishing… I have not seen him in more than 5 months.. he has been in Nicaragua serving our country (still) in the armed forces… I know he reads the board now and agian and he is finally comin back home today. If you read this pops… come up soon…. the fish are bitting!!!!

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    Thanks Rvvrat for the Memorial Day thought. I was happy to serve my 7 years in the Army flying helicopters which included 2 tours in Vietnam. It was a different time, but a necessary one. thanks to ALL you VETS. God Bless you. Jack.

    Posts: 96

    I am going to the national cemetery shortly to honor those who have protected the rights that have been given to me. I think it is great that we take time today to honor those men and women, but this country could do a little more to honor them all the time. For those of you who are not aware of it there is a WWII memorial being built that needs donations to finish it. The number is 1-800-639-4WW2. It has been far too long without one to honor these men and women. Happy Memorial Day to everyone and thank you to all that have given so much for this country.


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