Pulling three-ways?

  • rocketman
    Posts: 57

    OK, my first post here, please don’t laugh too loud.

    I am trying to figure out the “three-ways” method of river fishing. Is this a similar method as a “lindy rig”? What are the big advantages? Could a guy use a bottom bouncer for the weighted end? When I tie on the weight how do you determine the lentgh of line to the weight? Maybe I should look for the book, “Three-ways for dumbies!!!”, but it didn’t work for the computer, so…



    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4545

    similar presentation to the lindy rig. The major difference is that the current would push your bait to the bottom-much like trolling fast. 3 ways are perfect for keeping your bait at a consistant distance off of the bottom, no matter what the current does, how fast you troll or how deep it is.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Hi Rocketman

    What are the advantages over a lindy rig? A 3-way allows an angler to set the distance a bait will be running above the bottom with incredible precision. The weight rides the bottom and the bait stays at a fairly consistent height above the bottom too. A lindy drags on or near the bottom and so does the bait. You know where you’re weight is… but knowing where you’re bait is at in current presents a different challenge.

    Could a bouncer be used for the weighted end? No, not really. Bouncers are best used in almost a vertical fashion. If you run them back behind the boat and exceed a 45′ angle, the bouncer falls over on its side and drags on the bottom. When that happens, snags are inevitable and your bait drags on the bottom behind the bouncer. Not my first choice anyway.

    Determine the distance from the sinker to the swivel based on how far you want your bait to ride off bottom. Less distance for bait, more distance for cranks since you have to take into account that the plugs dive.

    Here’s a pic I had handy from one of my seminars:

    Hope this helps.

    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 347

    James, which would you consider better to use for three-way rigging, a bell sinker or a pencil-type?


    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    To me, it doesn’t matter one bit. Lead’s lead. Some guys put faith in one style vs. the other….. but I’m of the opinion that a one once pencil sinker weighs the same as a one ounce bell. But that’s just me….!

    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 347

    Thanks for the prompt reply! LOL! Actually, I was referring to the design. Is one better suited for dragging on the bottom than the other?


    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    I rarely lose sinkers of either kind so I’d say both are pretty darn good at not getting snagged. I’d use both kinds but seem to be really happy with the plain bells. Plus they’re cheaper…. usually. The only time I don’t like pencils is in the heavier weights? You ever seen how long a 5 ounce pencil sinkers is?…LOL

    Chippewa Valley (Dunnville Bottoms)
    Posts: 1372

    I’ll guess same length but a lot fatter. Kind of like a hot dog sinker.LOL

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    Hey James…..

    On the subject of pencil vs bell.. it seems the board had a discussion not too long ago where it was brought up that bell sinkers react differently then pencils when pulled through a rough bottom.. and that the bells tend to “hesitate” on obstructions then shoot forward…. while the pencils dont “jerk” the bait as much… and that difference in action one way or the other can be a fish trigger…. and Im probably fooling myself… but I think Ive seen a preference for one style or the other on certain days….. but then Im crazy anyway… so who knows? anyway just in case I have both styles… now I just hope people dont start painting them and telling me.. oh yeah.. you gotta have the chartruese bell sinkers with the red eyes….. I think that just might push me totally over the edge! lol….. and I dont loose many 3-ways on the Miss… but on the Croix up here…. *sheese*… Im wondering if I should try something different… I go through rigs like crazy.. guess Im going to have to tie up a few before I go out next time….. Turks old boat (which I now have the pleasure of using), has a great place to hang already tied 3 ways…..I had 6 tied and used 5 of them in 4 hours….. not horrible I guess… but Im not used to going through that many…..

    Apple Valley/Isle, MN
    Posts: 614

    Regarding losing 3-ways here’s something I’ve tried that seems to work ok. Instead of using a bell, I use an egg sinker. When I slide it on the line, I put a small split shot under it. If you really clamp down on the split shot it holds well. But if you get stuck 90% of the time the split shot will come off before you lose the rig. A few moments later I am back in the water again.

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    that does work… Ive done that before too (in a pinch! lol)… I just did not have any egg sinkers with me… Ive used that mostly around wing dams where I KNOW its snag city…… I was wondering if anyone else does that… Ive not heard anyone mention it before…..

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