EFN Outlet Store – Grand Opening!!

  • In-Depth Webstaff
    Posts: 2756

    Yes, FINALLY!! But we took our time to do it right! The new EFN Outlet Store is open now and we took the extra time to provide the most secure site possible by purchasing 128 bit SSL Certificate to make sure each and EVERY transaction, and all of that personal information that goes with it, is GUARANTEED secure. And all of our particpating manufacturers are offering “less than 48 hour shipping” on ALL products (unless stated otherwise.) And every product comes with a 30 Day – 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. So everyone can rest assured that they’ll be taken care of AFTER the sale.

    So stop in for a visit to the new EFN Outlet… browse around. We opened the store with 3 vendors to keep things manageable as we throw open the doors for the first time…. but MANY more are coming soon. We hope to offer the best prices on the best products, many of which are hard to impossible to find elsewhere, and do so in a way that is easy and convenient to use.

    So…. WELCOME. Here’s the link: EFN Outlet Store

    We’d love to hear your feedback on this latest addition. Good…. Bad… or Indifferent. Send us an e-mail or even post it here.

    Good fishin’,

    EFN Webstaff

    W Central Sconnie
    Posts: 4102

    love it.

    seems real easy to get around. gotta buy gear somewhere and it will be great to purchase it here. when will you have ISG tackle on here? James had mentioned to me at the Walleye Expo that they were going to be a vendor. I’m set on ringies and superdoos. ISG has a great line called the “slo-fall” jigs and their garlic tubes are great.

    looking forward to watching it grow.

    Woodville, WI
    Posts: 54

    Looks great. Like SteveO said – it is nice and easy to get around in.


    Just an fyi…their were a couple bugs this am that had to do with shipping and checkout that seem to be working fine now. Just a heads up for those that might have seen these problems and werent sure what to do.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 1208

    Looks Just Great!! This is an awesome addition to the site, and a great resource for us out here looking for some hard to comeby items. We appreciate you taking every effort to make the site secure, and customer oriented.

    W Central Sconnie
    Posts: 4102

    i just purchased some jigheads off of the site and it seemed to have went very well. it would be nice if it sent you a confirming e-mail with your order number so you could follow up in case there was a glitch.

    Am I like the first customer?


    You should have gotten an email. EFN received the email confirming your order and you should have also gotten one.

    I made an order this am and received an email with an attatchment containing my order as expected.

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    Well done on this one people !! I can’t wait for the FTR/ EFN logo’d merch.


    If you need the best prices on logo’n some very nice merchandise, I got an a foot in the door at Sports World here in PdC. Call Scott Yeomans @ 608/326/5118 . Tell him I sent you !!

    W Central Sconnie
    Posts: 4102

    didn’t get one and i used my work address. there was a confirmation number after the transaction but it wasn’t e-mailed to me.

    Owatonna, MN
    Posts: 608

    Steve O.

    You were not my first customer…. but, you’ll be getting a little something special in with your order as the second person to order! “Dman” beat you to the door….

    I got your order and it was just as you sent it!

    And the cool thing is….it is on the way to you… today… 2cool, huh…. Hawger


    Rest assured, we are aware of your order and you will get your product and we will fix any problems as we go. Thanks for pointing this out. I will email you the invoice. You can also view the invoice by going into “my account” and viewing your orders.

    W Central Sconnie
    Posts: 4102

    Dave and Steve,

    Wow! great follow up.

    looking forward to getting the jigs. they just look much better than other ones I’ve seen out there. Hawger, really smashed the white bass with the ‘doos on Pool 4 with fireflck. Chartruese color. Fun stuff….

    I’m really starting to dig the plastics scene. Going to try some of the ringies this weekend. Water is still up a bit on the ‘Croix and there should be some decent flooded timber to try.

    Good Luck this weekend fellow Wisconsin fishin’ freaks.

    Doug Ertl
    St Cloud, MN
    Posts: 957

    Just too cool guys…even status of your order is a feature right in your account under the order number. This is a nice set-up. Great Job!!!


    And a BIG thanks to DMAN for being our beta tester, you really helped us out this am! Were glad you enjoy the shop!

    Thanks Doug!

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Hey SteveO

    Yup, the entire ISG product line is right around the corner. They’ve got some great stuff and we’ll be able to offer it at prices you just can’t find in stores. I’m looking forward to it to! They’ve got some great tails that I love, hypertails, and tons of stuff for bass guys. And those slow-fall jigs. All coming soon.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Thanks Steve & James, well worth the wait!

    W Central Sconnie
    Posts: 4102


    that’s great news. it’s very hard to buy their products around here, even though they are only in Menomonie WI.

    I’m running low on the “slo-falls” and would like to get some more soon.

    The tube baits they manufacture are second to none IMHO.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 2

    Hey guys,

    The site looks great! I can’t wait to see how fast it grows and the all the new products.


    Central Wisconsin US-of-A
    Posts: 1464

    Very nice site.Can’t wait to get my first order in…Thanks for everyone that put this together…gives me another place to “store” my pennies!

    Doug Ertl
    St Cloud, MN
    Posts: 957

    Glad to help Steve. I see now my order of super doo’s and ringworms have shipped. I recieved my new splash guards from white cap yesterday. I confirmed the pickup of my boat for next week, I believe I am ready for opening day.

    Cant wait ! happy fishin all.

    Doug Ertl
    St Cloud, MN
    Posts: 957

    Glad to help Steve. I see now my order of super doo’s and ringies have shipped. I recieved my new splash guards from white cap yesterday. I confirmed the pickup of my boat for next week, I believe I am ready for opening day.

    Cant wait ! happy fishin all.

    Posts: 304

    Hey guys.I’ve just tried to order through the EFN store and they don’t recognize my user name or e-mail address.Any suggestions?Mike

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    The store and the forums are seperate entities so you’ll have to register over on the store side just like you did over here. Chances are you’ll be able to use the same log-in info and everything… but unfortunately, the log-in systems are not one and the same.

    Upper right of the home page in the store, click “create an account.” Use the same log-ins and password, etc., that you use over here. Actually, it makes sense to do so as everything is easier to remember that way.

    Any other questions, throw them out here. Its a group learning experience to discuss these things in this manner.

    Posts: 304

    Ah-ha!I’m in!Thanks James

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Works slick, yes! And don’t forget, after you place your order, you can log in and track the movements of your order as it moves through our system. You’ll know when the order was processed, billed, shipped….. too cool!

    And that’s why it took us those extra months to make this available. We wanted to do it right.

    Hayfield, MN
    Posts: 12

    Good stuff… I presume you have a lot more items/venders to add at some point?

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Tons! We’re just making sure everything is working smoothly before we really expand. We started out with just a few vendors to keep it all manageable.

    We’ll keep everyone update as we add new manufacturers.

    Posts: 79

    Oh Great —-This is all I need an easyer way to spend my money.lol

    It is going to be a super net store! Hope you make a Million!


    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    We’re aiming a bit lower…. like break even!

    Nice pic. Catch that in the bunny hole did ya’? Looks like a dead ringer for a vandy-sauger if I ever saw one…..

    Posts: 79

    Same Hole Different Fish Different Day Different Year. Better Looking!!

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