Hello all, many apologies, I have not been able to check this web site much or spend any real time Online answering questions. The State’s budget problems are hitting the Conservation Law Enforcement Program in many different ways. Patrol time has been limited, along with time spent Online. I’m going to try and check this site at least once a week or so. Please don’t be discouraged if I don’t reply right away.
Anyway, I would like to answer two questions. The first one Waterfowler asked quite some time ago, and with most all law issues, it takes a bit to explain. Waterfowler asked if he could hunt ducks in WI (with WI license) and then hunt ducks in MN (with MN license). What’s the possession limit in this case? This is a federal law and thus applies to ALL US States, but not to other countries. One can only possess ONE possession limit of waterfowl no matter how many different states they were harvested in. This case is not like fishing or pheasant hunting where one could possess multiple possession limits legally taken from more than one state. When there are differences between States pertaining to species or aggregates, one can only possess the greater limit if those species where legally taken. Example, state A (home) allows a possession limit of 12 ducks & state B allows a possession limit of 14 ducks, one could possess in state A (home) 14 ducks total. You must have valid licensees for both states. If one state allows a higher harvest of a particular species, it can only be harvested in that state. I hope this is not too confusing. I’m trying not to take up too much space, so if this answer causes more questions, please call me, 608-822-4887. Question number 2 was about snagging & fowlhooking. I’ll answer this as it pertains to WI waters. Snagging: one can’t snag, attempt to snag, or posses snag hooks. These laws are enforced with discretion & common sense. Fowlhooking: one can’t posses a fish that was hooked anywhere other than IN the month. These laws are also enforced with discretion & common sense. I hope this helps. Good fishing. Keep calling we’re making great cases with YOUR help. Remember these are your resources.