
  • mwchiefs
    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 347

    I’m in search of big northern. I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice on where to go, what to use, etc. I’ve tried all over Duchane’s, blackbird tressel-area, and trudell with no success. I must be missing SOMETHING! I’d really appreciate the help. Thanks in advance!


    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    I rarely intentionally fish for northern. Especially on the river. I do happen to tie into one now and then, usually casting or trolling cranks for walleye.

    If I were to go out for northern, (Large Norther, not snakes) I’d hit Minnetonka or Mille Lacs. Hands down. Some of the pike fishing around. I’d keep it simple and use a sucker minnow under a big bobber. Just add weeds!


    The Sand Prairie
    Posts: 1844

    Right now you can fish most any backwater areas with 4-7 feet of water. The northerns are done spawning and like to find warmer water where there are baitfish. Spoons and shallow running cranks will work.

    When it warms up try Pepin where creeks run into the lake. At that time the northerns prefer the cooler waters. Good places to fish the suckers.

    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 347

    Thanks for the info, guys! Could you possibly help me on presentations? I’d appreciate it.


    Nelson Wi
    Posts: 300

    I personally like to use something that is brite big and flashy. That usually works the best for me.

    Owatonna, MN
    Posts: 608

    I feel like the boy who had his dog eat his homework, on this one.

    Sometimes northerns just love spinners, and go nuts for something they have not seen.

    John Eggers came to me with his prototype and new design for a “verticle spinner”, asking for my assistance in marketing it. After looking at it closely and I seeing the drastic difference from normal conventional spinners, I told him that I would realy need to field test it. He expressed that he had already done so, extensively…. and said the lure spun on the pull, on the “up” and the “fall”… and would not foul.

    I told him if that was the case, that he might want me to show it to Mepps / Mr. Twister. But… that I should still field test it first.

    Not having time to do any testing that day, I took the lure prototype from John. I had to wait till the next day. I went to my fishing buddie, Jim Rossel’s, house and took the lure to test in his gravel-pit. This pit is not very clear this time of year and the water is somewhat “cloudy”. Jim watched, as I casted the spinner to my left, in only several feet of water. I could see the blade turning (and “feel” it spinning, I was casting it with 10 lb Trilene XL… and on a very sensitave Jig-A-Whopper medium light spinning rod) in the shallows. I allowed it to fall for a foot… and the blade spun on the fall as John said it would. I followed with a cast to my right side, still in shallow. The same action happend with plenty of spinning going on. The next cast was into deeper water, about fifteen feet of depth and out about twenty yards. I could feel the spinner turning and gave it some slack… for a spinning fall. I returned to cranking and the spinner continued to give me the vibration to know it was still working. Then, I let it fall again. As I started to crank this time, I could just begin to see the spinner through the water coming my direction. WHAM… a big Northern hit the lure. It had to be over 8 lbs… “Tink” he cut my line and took the prototype…

    Well, I had to call John an tell him that his new spinner worked… only too well… that I had lost it to a Northern. I explained to John that I had nerver caught a Northern from Jim Rossel’s pit in al the years that I have fished it… I had only taken perch, sunfish, and crappie there. Not that I have not tried for northern there, I have spent hours throwing spinner baits with no success there in the past.

    John has made me another prototype, and this one I’ll send to Mepps / Mr. Twister, for their inspection and consideration.

    So… I have to agree with the “larsonlawyers” here and tell you to go throw the most flashy, spinning-buzzing, irratic thing you cah find.. at these big northerns… they may just hate it enough to eat it…. but make sure you have a leader on!


    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 347

    I’m anxious to see what becomes of that lure. Keep me posted if you hear anything on it. I’m willing to try anything.


    Owatonna, MN
    Posts: 608

    Yep, I am too. I have had real good luck with the Mepps Syclops on Northern. Silver or Fire Tiger are good colors to get. It has lots of action… but I have had ocassion to slow it down some by adding a white Berkley Power Grub or (Mr. Twister tail) to the hook. Take the hook off the split ring and load the shank through the grub body first. This works to add lift to the spoon and slower fall. LOL


    red ming mn
    Posts: 83

    mwchiefs you just posted a reply to me on small streams & rivers and I left you another ?

    the biggest northerns i have caught and seen have come out of pickerel slough on sucker minnows from shore fishing this time of year to may. i would say more but iam just learning to type and run this thing

    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 347

    Gillman, could you tell me whereabouts pickerel slough is?

    Hawger, thanks for the help!


    red ming mn
    Posts: 83

    when you drive down too lock 3 its right on the sharp corner on your right side next to train tracks.

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