
  • slipkid
    Posts: 5

    Just wondering what the river will be doing tomorrow and this weekend. Is every thing flooded witht the rain today or is the river handleing it well? I’d hate to see a long closure like we had last year!

    Posts: 152

    The ol river is a risin fast. Currently at stage of 5″. Rising to 5.9 fri. and 7.5 by sat. It is expected to crest at 12″.5′ next thursday. Wow i did not expect this! Bring it on!

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    well.. it seems spawning success is pretty good on flood years.. so maybe its not ALL bad!!

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Hey predator….can you post the website here you are looking at to get the forcasted crests……I like to see the high water for the spawn..BUT, if I have to move out and start cleaning this place up again, i’m gonna cry! I have not been able to find that site again. I looked at it last spring every day, but can not find it now. Thanks.

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5854

    Oops! I see James was still logged into my computer here. That previoius post was from me. Sorry!

    Posts: 229

    Weird….I’ve never seen that page before. Seems odd that they would only be predicting flood stage for one location, that being the Wabasha area. Down in my neck of the woods, it says 8′ below flood stage.

    I usually look at the USACE site for river info. All of their measurements are based on feet above sea level. If you click on bulletins, you can check out The Daily Bulletin and they give you the 5 day flow forecast. It doesn’t show ant substantial changes coming other than the flow increasing about 1,000 cfm every day for the next few days. Usually if there is a chance of flooding, they post an advisory bulletin.



    big dad
    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 238

    Biggest cause of water rise is a combination of Northern Wisconsin snow melt along with the significant rain the past few days. Main water is coming down the Chippewa and St. Croix with both of those flowages bearing the brunt of the snowmelt and rainfall combined. Bummer for us with trailers on the island. 11.5′ puts the water right at the edge of my deck and puts the road in under water. 12.5′ is right about where we think about getting everything out of there. Really thought as low as water was, we would survive the spring without this problem. I have found the NOAA site very very accurate for river stage forecasting – it is updated daily at about 10 AM using readings taken at 7 AM. It is a forecast issued primarily for navigation and is very reliable – only available during the shipping season on the river.

    Exact site is: http://www.crh.noaa.gov/mpx/products/MSPRVAMSP

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18816

    I was planning on going out this afternoon. Is the water to high right now to launch and fish safely??????????????

    big dad
    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 238

    No reason not to be out at this point. Just think SAFETY! Water is very powerfull when coming up like this. PFD at all times very advisable. Also watch for debris – there will be a lot flushed out of low lying areas. Go slow and be careful.

    Posts: 152

    They just refreshed the crest forcast. The river at red wing is to crest 4/18 at 11′.5”. Instead of 12′.5″

    Posts: 229

    Just checked out that NOAA site……..awesome information, thanks for the link.

    If you start at http://www.crh.noaa.gov/mpx

    you can go through all sorts of water condition reports. Very detailed, very cool.


    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    Bring it on !!! this low level has my brain working overtime….that leaves no room for other things like breathing….walking….chewing gum !! lol


    Nelson Wi
    Posts: 300

    bring on the flood just like last year

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12240

    I don’t think you want it just like last year, do you really want to see another water craft ban?

    The Sand Prairie
    Posts: 1842

    Sorry, but you are nuts if you want that high water again. Because of the dam infrstructure on the river today we are having major backwater silting. Really hign water only causes more problems. Do we really want a straight shot from Mpls to New Orleans?

    Spring Valley, Wi.
    Posts: 46

    I just returned from the cabin in north west Wisc. about 20 miles southeast of Hayward. There is water everywhere up there. The Chippewa and Flambue are way high and all the swamps and small streams that are flow into them are flooded. Plus there is alot of snow in the woods and north facing hillsides yet to melt. Needless to say there is a lot of water heading south towards the mississippi.

    Nelson Wi
    Posts: 300

    Just like last year, you don’t need to always fish from a boat

    Southeastern Minnesota.
    Posts: 221

    Was catching 12 in pearch on friday……on sat when we went down it was up 3 ft….. no pearch?/???

    Nelson Wi
    Posts: 300

    where are you from and where were you fishin for the perch? jw if it was by wabasha anywhere

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12240


    you must not own property along the river, so when you say you want it to flood just like last year are you also saying that you don’t care about all the people who lost thousands of dollars in property damage from the flood?

    Nelson Wi
    Posts: 300

    Well there are some setbacks to that and yes I understand and feel for them, but that is what insurance is for, all i am saying is fishing was just absolutely awesome. Right now I don’t own property nor do I rent property, so I don’t really focus on that. I focus on me going to school and then me catching lots of walleyes and if that means a flood similar to last year well bring it on

    Shakopee, MN
    Posts: 858

    In response to your comment I have to tell you that, most people who do have cabins along the river don’t have insurance for various reasons. Also the DNR prohibts the rebuilding of cabin or anything on the property, that is destroyed by the river. So at times like this when people have alot at stake when the river rises, fishing may take a second seat.
    I know this information and feel this way because my family and I have a cabin in Prairie Du Chien and I know many of people that feel this way.

    Nelson Wi
    Posts: 300

    well I guess I never looked at it from that standpoint because i don’t have one and i don’t worry about that stuff so i don’t consider it, but I feel for the people that do have that, and yes I wish it wasn’t as bad but we can’t help it and if it happens it happens, can’t control mother nature, no matter what i say mother nature will do what it wants, i said it because most likely it is coming i talked to a guy that was up in hayword last weekend said thereis high water and some snow on the ground still so there is more to come

    Wabasha Mn
    Posts: 1096

    I just came from Wabasha !! If you are going to launch there you better bring your hip boots..Cause the water is halfway across the Parking lot… The water is up the Channel is fast and carrying alot of huge trees and debris. I think I heard it was supposed to crest Thursday…Don’t kid your selves we are not out of flood danger yet..Any more rain this week and we will be sand bagging……

    Nelson Wi
    Posts: 300

    i was told that slippery’s is already sandbagging their wall is that true?

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