meeting in Missouri.

  • flatoutally
    Posts: 111

    This afternoon on the way home from Lake of the Ozarks, I was sitting in the truck at a gas station north of Kansas City waiting for the wife and kids, and this guy who’s cool looking black Lund I had been admiring stolls over and introduces himself. It seems Mr. fishhunt58 noticed that we both had MN plates. fishhunt58 had been fishing Table Rock. Seems we both had about the same luck. Anyhow, we chatted for a few minutes about our mutual website interest and how truly small the world seems sometimes. Looks like fishtheriver/lake is TRULY nationwide now. Really nice to meet you Steve! If you see me on pool 4, 5, or 5A, stop by and say hi.


    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Hi Cliff,

    it was nice to meet you too! This was our 2nd annual spring break vacation to Table Rock, I really like the area down there its a nice way to kick of spring as they are a little bit ahead of us as far as the weather is concerned and of course Bass Pro Shop in Springfield is a must stop. I dropped off a stack of EFN cards in the fishing dept. at Bass Pro, maybe we can start getting some fishing reports from down that way, so if anyone from that area is checking out FTR or FTL be sure to log on and say HI! Cliff, I will be on pool 4 on Sat, 13th I will keep an eye out for your boat if you are going to be out and about, again it great to meet you, always nice to meet anyone from FTR and put the face with the name.

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