Anglers as Rolemodels Needs Your Help!

  • James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Don’t skip over this post… this one is the most important ones you’ll read here in awhile.

    As many of you know we have the annual ARM (Anglers as Role Models) event coming up on July 30th. At this event we work in conjuction with Big Brothers & Big Sisters of MN and WI to take youths and their “Big” out for a day of fishing, education and instruction. The events of the day are highly laid back and the kids always have a blast going for boat rides, catching any fish that bites and learning more about our fisheries and recreational opporuntities that exist for them as anglers.

    These are kids that have little to no chance of EVER being exposed to fishing. ARM has found sponsors to donate new rods and reels for every child. Tackle boxes full of crankbaits, line, hooks and sinkers. We have pizza coming from Dominoes and treats from Kemps.

    But we’re short boaters! At present we have 35 “confirmed” kids planning on attending and we have 14 registered volunteer boaters.

    Houston, we have a problem! We need your help. You need not be a professional guide. You need not have a 20 foot boat with a 200 hp motor. What you do need is the willingness to invest a single day of your time to share your love of fishing and the outdoors with a child and their “Big” (chaperone) that likely has never caught a fish, been on a boat ride or seen the beauty of the Mississippi River.

    If you can help, please reply here. The event starts at 8 AM on Friday and will end around 4 PM.

    You may not catch a monster walleye but you will go home at the end of the day feeling that if for only one day, you made a difference.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Yes sir. Friday 8 AM – Everts Resort. We’ll feed ya’ ’til you’re stuffed like a fat catt if you can make it. It’s always a terrific time for the kids AND the guys donating their time.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    If you want to stay the night we have room and you can hang with us for the Get Together the following day.

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    If i just didn’t get back from VACA I would take off and go, but i have to play catch up now….

    I wish I could go!!

    What’s the deal w/the GTG? i must have missed that thread??

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    You missed the GTG announcement? How?… lol

    We’re having a no entry fee tournament with new St.Croix rods as prizes to the largest fish in 5 categories including large & smallmouth, TONS of food including a fish fry. Adults beverages. Tons of other prizes and goodies.

    Check out the calendar. Last entry for the month. The original post about the GTG is at the top of about 15 forums… thumbtacked in place so nobody would overlook it… lol

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Anyone who is on the fence about volunteering, I hope I can give you a shove in the right direction. I participated in this event last year for the first time. What a blast!!

    You don’t need to be a pro or a guide, just willing to meet a few new people and to have fun. These kids don’t care if they are catching carp or sheepies or 10 pound eyes, they just want to have fun. Their lives are much different than most of ours, so a day out in the boat is something that doesn’t come along very often.

    Please consider joining us next Friday, it will be some the best 8 hours of vacation time you use all year!! All you need is a couple rods and the willingness to give a child a memory they won’t soon forget.

    Please help this very wonderful event!!!


    John Kutz

    PS. I’ve been waiting all summer for this day, thanks ARM and IDA for letting me be part of such an amazing event.

    central Iowa Lake City Mn
    Posts: 25

    James-count me in. I will require you to show me at least one honey hole.

    Durand, WI
    Posts: 1364

    Hey I’m all for it. I’m just across the river in Pepin County. I’ll come over and help out. We have a thing like this that the City of Durand puts on for the kids here. Every year I take a couple of kids and catch tons of sheephead, bass, and anything else we can catch. I get a ton of enjoyment out of it. I will have myself and Princecraft there. If you have to get a hold of people ahead of time please email me or PM me. My e mail address is [email protected]. I am not that good on fishing the Mississippi, but I’m sure some of you guys can help me find some spots.

    Woodbury, MN
    Posts: 957


    I’ve just got a small boat but if you’re still in need of a boater, I can be there. If you have enough boaters and need some shore help, I can do that too. Either way, just let me know. My typical fishing techniques are not what I’d call real “kid-friendly” but if somebody knows where some white bass are busting the surface, that would be great. Or sunnies, sheepies, anything… I don’t care and neither will the kid. Do you think the kid will be able to use a spinning reel or should I try to dig up an old Zebco 33? If I can’t find fish, I hope they’ll be happy with a boat ride. Just a couple more questions:

    1. Will the kid have a wearable life jacket or should the boaters bring a comfortable one? Same for the big too?
    2. If possible, can I have a boy kid. It’ll make using the pee cup easier.


    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    We could really use you as a boater. We do have some spare PFDs but if you have enough to cover 3 that would be the best.

    Dustin and I will be there early in the AM the day of to get people on the best walleye, bass, whitebass and even carp bite we know of so there will be info available.

    The majority of the littles are boys. We’ll talk about bathroom breaks before the outing… we have a little suggested procedure for that.

    Thanks much Boone!

    Anyone else? If we get more boaters we can take out more kids! This is one of those deals where if you wait for someone else to step up and do it, it likely won’t get done.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Anyone else? We’re not at our goal yet. We need more boaters!

    Some things you won’t need to worry about if you volunteer to be a boater:

    1) – The kids being anything other than fantastically well behaved! Remember, these youngsters don’t get the chance to get out on major WAY COOL events like this one and they tend to be a little awed by the experience. They do of course have their “Big” chaperone along should some thing every happen but I’ve never heard of or seen anything but lots o’ laughs and big smiles.

    2) – Feel any pressure to catch a bunch of fish. Take our word for it, a white bass is as good as a carp is as good as a walleye to these youngsters.

    3) – You need not know the river like the back of your hand. The area chosen doesn’t have any wingdams to worry about or shallow channels to navigate. Dustin Stewart and I will be on-hand in the AM to give out info regarding productive locations and techniques.

    4) – You don’t need to have a big, hi-powered rig to show these kids a great time. One of our repeat volunteers takes kids out a short litte run in a jon boat to fish carp… and the kids have a BALL tussling with these strong fighting fish.

    5) – You need not have fishing gear for the kids. We supply all that and we kick in all the pizza, pop and ice ream treats you can eat as well.

    If this sounds easy, it is. It’s laid back. Lots of fun. And all for the greatest cause I can think of… giving children the chance to fall in love with fishing!

    See ya’ there?

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13396

    Boone. I will most likely be hanging around the north end of pool 2 just like last year and would be happy to help with finding fish. Or maybe you could help me find them. Who ever gets to them first.
    I will be running the 16′ jon again this year for the event. It worked just fine last year. I would say that if the boat does start getting a little small during the day. Just pull up on a bank some where and do some fishing there or let them muck around on the shore for awhile.
    We did pretty good on leaches and crawlers last year bottom fishing. After the group had left I did find a large school of white bass up by the dam that where all over tyhe minnows. I hope to find them some where near the same spot again this year. Finding fish up near the dam does not seem to hard. Just anchor up on some structure or shade and give the bottom a try. If they are not there try a different spot.

    So come on down. The kids will be vary happy that you did. Did I also mention that they seem to be happy listening to all of your old fishing stories also. At least I hope they where because they heard most of mine.

    Any one been hitting the whities any where down there lately?

    Do you think these kids are getting as excited about the outing as some of us guys?

    Woodbury, MN
    Posts: 957

    I’ll be there. Glad to hear there’s no pressure to catch fish. That’s always my biggest worry when I take new people out. It must be hard being a guide. I figure if we don’t catch fish at least they’ll get to go boating and that’s a lot of fun too.

    See you Friday morning.

    Just one more question. Is this event still on if it’s raining? Obviously we’ll get off the water in a thunderstorm but what about a rainy day.


    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13396

    Anouther good question. Do we need to bring our own inner tubes this year?

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Good question… we have 3 or 4 big canvas tents on-site in this event. If it’s a quick hitter we wait it out under the cover and snack on the goodies we have available. If it’s a thunderstorm we get the kids in the cars or cabins and sit tight. If it’s an all day deal we’ll have to improvise a bit more. Most kids won’t want to be out in the rain and I wouldn’t advise it as a first trip experience regardless. We’ll get the kids all geared up, focus on teach and fish talk and do lunch early before sending them on their way.

    Pray for a clear sky and mild temps, please.

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    James, We’ll be done around noon or so? I don’ tremember what time we got done last year.

    Posts: 3681

    I will be thereAs a boater

    carver Mn
    Posts: 217

    If you still need more boaters, I will be one. You can E-mail @ dabuckler414@aol. I am heading to Leech for the weekend so I wont check my mail till sunday.

    Wabasha, MN
    Posts: 13

    James. If you are still looking for a boater I can be there. These events are a great time for the kids. Grant Emerson

    mn Dodge co.
    Posts: 1133

    Do you still need boats? I might be able to help you out. And is bait provided? What does it cost to launch? Thanks DOUG

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Mike v

    We’ll gladly have you if you can make it! I’ll shoot you an e-mail about this immediately! Thanks.


    If you still need more boaters, I will be one. You can E-mail @ dabuckler414@aol. I am heading to Leech for the weekend so I wont check my mail till sunday.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    Excellent. We need ya’! I’ll put you on the list of committed boaters! Thanks.


    James. If you are still looking for a boater I can be there. These events are a great time for the kids. Grant Emerson

    Charlie “Turk” Gierke
    Hudson Wisconsin
    Posts: 1020

    It turns out that I won’t be able to do it afterall.
    Hope all goes well as it will, and kids get some good fishing’ in! Turk

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