Despite a slower bite we managed 12 eater walleyes/saugers and a couple of bonus fish. The walleyes we were catching in 22-25 FOW on a dead stick live bait rig. The fish seemed to prefer this over jigging or even holding the rod. I did see a few fish caught on blades but we had no luck with that. Although we did have a couple firsts yesterday. My son caught his first ever shovelnose sturgeon that measured out 26″ and I caught my first paddlefish that measured out at 64″. I have no idea on the weight, all I know is that i had all I could do to lift it for a picture before a prompt release. Great seeing friends and what I would consider family on such a beautiful day. Even if the bite was slow the look on my sons face when he pulled up his first sturgeon was worth every minute.
March 31, 2014 at 7:02 am