Hi all! Well I have had my new fishing boat for about a year and a half now. With it I bought a Fish Easy II fish finder. I know it is not the top of the line but having never used one for anything but checking the depth so I didn’t run a-ground with my pontoon boat I thought I would start small and learn how to really use it and then, if needed, for the fishing I do (strictly recreational)upgrade. Well after one full season of really trying to USE it for information gathering, and having read and re-read the manual several times, I am only a little beyond where I was to begin with. I can tell the depth, see some structure (although I don’t know what it is) and even have spotted a few fish! What I would like to do is be able to tell what kind of bottom I am over (muck, sand, gravel, rock, how to spot bait fish (and know that that is what it is), see a submerged weed line and know what is bottom and what is weeds. I would also like to learn how to use my fish finder in manual mode so I can fine tune the settings to optimize what I can see. I hear so many people talk about doing these things but I have not yet figured it out. If I could look at pictures of a graph identifying what I am looking at that would help me recognize the same type of thing on mine in real life. I have done a search on this sight and came up with alot of discussions about the pro’s and con’s of this graph VS that and opinions as to which one to buy, but nothing to help a novice user know what he is looking at . Any help from some of the many great minds out there wether it be referring me to a web sight or trying to explain it to me would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance for your help!