Pool 4 wingdam fun

  • bigpike
    Posts: 6259

    Over the last few years I a have been reading reports on mid-late summer fishing down on the Mississippi. It took me a few trips down and some observation while camping and I started to home in on big river gils. The nice thing about this fishing is you catch nothing small at least not for gils. Last night and this morning netted me 22 fat panfish for the fry pan. This morning was overcast and a bit cooler and I also caught a 19+ walleye and a 19+ smallmouth. On my 7′ panfish rod and 4# test this was a hoot. Numerous sheappshead and mooneye last night. My tactic is very basic, I am pitchin, dragging and sometimes casting a slip bobber over the very top of the dam. That’s were the fish are – on the very top. I had a blast

    Posts: 6259

    Pulling up to my camping sight I found the last pig left me this. Thanks pig, like your mother I picked up after you but not your stinky butts….

    LaCrosse, WI
    Posts: 1960

    I’ve been catching tons of big gills on dams lately. I haven’t been targeting them, but a half crawler on a live bait rig in front of the rocks is too much for them to resist.

    Lots and lots of 8″ + gills on the river the last few years.

    jerry b
    western WI
    Posts: 1506

    On a more positive side, an old guy we know, 86, uses aluminum cans for a bit of extra extra spending money. Carplady and I pick up garbage, smash the cans and donate’m to the old guy’s collection. The rest goes in Hudson’s park dumpsters. It’s amazing what these lazy pigs will drop within a few steps of a garbage can jerr

    Northfield MN
    Posts: 2028

    How shallow did you set your slip bobber?

    We too had a good one day trip a couple of weeks ago pitching jigs w/1/2 crawler in front of the rocks.

    Smallies, Walleyes, Gills, little channel cats, Gar, and Sheephead all participated for us.

    Was a good day

    Posts: 6259

    I would set it so the rig would scrape the top of the rock as it dragged over, this way it comes into the face right at the optimal height. I found this technique to be least productive, I hung one rod over the side but my best overall technique was pitching the bait and bouncing / swimming back home. This way I am covering as much water as possible. They certainly move in and out and shut down then pick back up so if you find them just be patient. I had this bobber set @ 5′

    Posts: 6259

    It should be noted I love the navionics chip on my HDS7, All the main wing dams are mapped and fairly accurate. Does anyone know who makes the best most accurate chip for the river because it certainly is worth the money to have the most accurate location on those dams. Either way the chip makes for an easier learning curve, that along with observation while drinking your beer camp side binocs work

    Northfield MN
    Posts: 2028

    Sounds like a blast of a time.

    No restrictions then on doing a campfire or camping on the beach down there?

    I wasn’t sure of the rules to be able to do that stuff

    Posts: 6259

    I launch at the Alma Marina for $5 then head north about 2 – 3 miles, between Alma and Wabasha. Lots of island camping on federal land. First come first serve, I believe you can stay up to 14 days before you must move on….

    Posts: 814

    Nice looking gills!!!!!

    Posts: 6259


    Nice looking gills!!!!!

    Thank You!

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19001

    I want Gills!!!!!!

    Portage, Wi
    Posts: 73

    Nice looking fish!

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