PETA Petition

  • jason-pitts
    Des Moines, IA and Hager City, WI
    Posts: 196

    Hey guys and gals,

    I got this off the walleye central. Looks legit. I signed it.

    There is an online petition to the IRS for them to revoke the tax exempt status of PETA. Those wonderful folks that would take away our fishing and hunting rights. If we can hit them in the wallet we can hurt them. I’m asking that you go to the website, view the petition, and sign it. Then encourage your hunting and fishing buddies to sign it also. Here’s the website:

    Remember the rights you help save are your own. Thanks

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Thanks Rookie,

    I will sign it and pass it on.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Consider another one signed!!!!

    Austin, Mn
    Posts: 77

    I would just love to see them lose the tax exempt status That would hit them where it hurts the most

    Houlton, WI.
    Posts: 244

    Man that felt good to sign the petition. It will be a great day when PETA looses it exempt status and are seen for what they are. Just a bunch of liberal radicals who will do ANYTHING to get there name in print and on TV.

    Eastman Wi
    Posts: 349

    Signed.Now lets get them shut down.

    Nelson Wi
    Posts: 300

    They don’t really need to be shutdown, but there needs to be some everyday “normal” people in there that can decide whether or not something was humane or not humane. I mean in some ways it is a good organization, but it doesn’t need to be as big as it is.

    Washington, Ia.
    Posts: 231

    Signed….. We need more!

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    I think you’re confusing the Human Society with PETA.

    PETA’s mission is to give all animal rights equal to those enjoyed by human beings, thereby making it illegal to hunt, fish, trap, etc. Cows would be for gawkin’ at, not eating. Deer would be for running your car into at 65 MPH… not hunting. There would be no utilization of any animal at any time for food, clothing, or sport. Period. They have made it publicly known that they will stop at nothing, and leave no method unused, including terrorism, vandalism, and other various threats of economic and physical violence to achieve their goals.

    You may not consider them your enemy, but you are their’s as a sportsmen. No bones about it, these are not good people, with good intentions.

    Nelson Wi
    Posts: 300

    yep, i did confuse them with that james, thanx for pointing it out. I will sign it then. And one more thing Tax those BLEEP!

    Circle Pines, MN
    Posts: 608

    I am number 5361, and glad to be. Thanks for putting this up

    Good Fishin’


    Des moines,Iowa
    Posts: 22

    I signed it,they need to pay THEIR FAIR SHARE!!and thanks for the heads-up on this information tightlines and good fishin’ WALLEYETRACKER

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    #5551 here …..

    Take away my fishin ……YEA RIGHT !!!

    TAX THEM S*O*B’s


    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    HSUS is also an anti-hunting organization. Remember that it was them applying the pressure to the DA to press charges against the Wisconsin fisheries worker who was bitten by the cat.

    HSUS’s views on hunting

    Check their site out. Most people think of them as the people who take care of wayward or abused pets. Their work in that regard would be commendable, if they weren’t using it to gain support for a less publicized agenda to end hunting.

    Seems to me that any organization interested in helping wildlife would include hunting and sport fishing as proper management tools.

    Posts: 37

    I just signed. 5751 was the number. Thanks to all. I was just thinking, how many PETA members have seen a deer starve to death or how many have had their landscaping worth $100’s destroyed by an over population of rabbits?


    Posts: 85

    I was number 6391…..numbers seem to be rising quite quickly…..keep up the pressure….

    Chippewa Valley (Dunnville Bottoms)
    Posts: 1372

    I’m number 6536. Hope the number continues up. Steve

    St Paul MN
    Posts: 223

    #6559 here…god signing that felt real good! By definiton I would definately say that PETA is supporting homeland terrorist. A terrorist is a terrorist no matter where the individual is from. These people are all whacked out in their approaches to the problems they percieve. There actions can cause huge economic losses for people, get in the way of legitimate medical advances, and could possibly kill people that are in the wrong place at the wrong time(ie arson).

    This is America, and everyone has the right of free speech. I in no way agree with anything they do, but I do respect their entilement of expressing there view. (BUT IN A NUTSHELL, THEY JUST urine ME OFF).

    I can take what they dish, but when they threaten homeland security the gig is up. Overall, the money has been there greatest ally for their cause. If by signing this and reduce there income a bit maybe just maybe we will have won a small battle in this ridiculous war where animals have “rights”.

    I believe in animal welfare in every activity I do farming,fishing,hunting, and trapping, but we are the top of the food chain. We all must be stewards of our ambundent and renewable resources. This means as outdoorspeople or farmers we must lead by example.

    I am getting longwinded now…..sorry but these peta type always get me going!


    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    # 6711 The total is climbing!

    Hudson WI
    Posts: 82

    signed and proud.

    Posts: 199

    Number 7284. Wow, the list grows at a phenomenal rate!

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