Cool pic – “Fake or Legit?!”

  • In-Depth Webstaff
    Posts: 2756

    Here’s one that was sent to us by Steve Vick… forwarded to him by a friend in Canada. Its definitely an eye-catching pic… but is it real or is it image doctoring trickery?

    I can tell yo uthis, if its doctored, the person knew what they were doing as all the shadows and color seem to be consistent throughout….

    What do you guys think? (Besides it must have stunk to be that guy in the truck!…LOL)

    Good fishin’,

    And ALWAYS hook those safety chains!

    EFN Webstaff

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    I sure hope its fake for the guy in the trucks sake. Would be a good excuse to buy a bigger boat as the boat was big and heavy enough to save his life by holding the truck up. hummm.

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    Not sure if it’s fake or legit, but looks like darn good publicity for the trailer hitch company.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    Oh, it’s real! My cousins uncle’s brother’s aunt’s Mom’s boyfriend was driving! Isn’t that how urban legends get started?


    Southeastern Minnesota.
    Posts: 221

    ok….was that the boat ramp..??? if so…the water looks way down up there?????….lol…..looks real enough..guys still in the truck….Musta made a wrong turn…..WOOOPSSSS!!!!!

    Washington, Ia.
    Posts: 231

    wow! What a ride that had to be. The camera used to take the picture must of been a darn good one. Hea Steve, see if you can get the story from your friend.

    Posts: 176

    Where was the picture taken from? It looks like it was taken from the air. But anyway, lets just hang around here until the boat ramp clears out !!!!

    bill mitchell
    Posts: 165

    I’m going with the fake. If you look at where the truck is sitting there is zero damage to the front end or front quarter panel and fender. There is no way that truck is falling that far and hard on to a small point of the truck and not crunchin like a tin can. My guess is that they pulled the photo of the truck from somehwre and did some magic.Who knows maybe there really are people that (un)lucky in the world. Remind me NOT TO LET THAT GUY BACK THE BOAT IN!!!!!!

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    I’m torn on this one……………..I can’t find any flaws, other than the possibility Bill just pointed out, but I keep telling myself “there’s gotta be a catch”.

    South St. Paul, Mn.
    Posts: 401

    In an earlier post , Herb mentioned the fact the hitch held. If you look at the angle of the trailer tongue to the truck it looks to be attached. Is it being held by safety chains also? It’s amazing that either the hitch or chains or both could hold up a full size truck.

    bill mitchell
    Posts: 165

    Let alone the boat itself is not that big compared to the truck. My guess if that really happened, the boat is going over with the truck. That truck is heavy, way to heavy, to just hang there.

    Southeastern Minnesota.
    Posts: 221

    I’m looking again, It looks like the boat is wedged in those rocks….and the truck is laying on the hill side…that would take a lot of weight off the boat..the tonuge.of the boat shows a little bend in it…The weight of the truck??????…And ya…were was the pic taken from???…and howed they get it out?

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    This pic is making the rounds again in cyber space with a new twist. I received it in a e-mail from a friend with the following:

    New boat $25,000

    New truck $30,000

    New pair of underwear $10

    A good trailer hitch priceless!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Just had to share that, I got a good laugh out of it!

    Des Moines Iowa
    Posts: 3

    Heres the scoop.They ran the picture and full story in a boat dealer magazine I get at work.It happened out west.I want to say Colorado, but dont hold me to it.A boat was pulling his rig home over a pass.Traffic stacked up behind him,so he went pull over on a pull over to let the cars go around him.The weight of the boat, plus the loose gravel on the pull over, he couldnt stop and drop over the edge.The trailer got high centered, thats all that saved him from falling 600 feet to the canyon floor.The picture was taken by a highway patrolman on the other side of the canyon.They got a large tow truck to pull the rig back up on the roadway.The amazing part is that the truck and boat were both in driveable condition.The driver however said hed had enough for the day.Probably had to go home and change his shorts.

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