I was thinking of buying a couple spincast reels for my girls as I dont think they’re ready for a spinning outfit yet. Anyone have any recommendations on a trouble free, quality spincaster? I haven’t touched one in 25 years. It gets me thinking of those good old days yankin bullheads of the dock.
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Spincast Reels
March 16, 2002 at 3:58 am #239042
Equipment Junkie here!
Well, as far as something to go to the local sport shop and grab, I’ve had pretty good luck with a handful of items. The Johnson Bass Buster, Daiwa ??? 80, 100, or 120 (can’t think of the model off hand…………I need to be home!), Johnson Scorpions, and for lite rigs, the Zebco Legacy II or Gold II. The greatest spincast I’ve ever used is an Abu Garcia AbuMatic 170 but it’s only available used on eBay and can get spendy. They’re pretty hefty for a kid too. Honestly, outside of a “super cheap” reel, I’ve had plenty of good luck with just about all of them that are out there. Change the line to something of quality and pretty limp. The pre-spooled cheap line has always been the culprit in giving me any headaches. Tell you what, I have some quality extras that I can get you for real cheap. I’ll send you a private of what I have and how much………..some are dang near brand new, spotless, and all work wonderfully……………I don’t sell junk! If you need rods too I might be able to get some good quality stuff and bargain bin prices too…………but I’ll have to look when I get home and fill you in on what’s available. I’ll be in touch tomorrow afternoon.
Until then, know that anything that comes in the shape of a cartoon character usually doesn’t hold up too well and some of the really cheap reels (under $10) are impossible with their drag settings and performances. Not all, just some.
March 16, 2002 at 6:20 am #239049I’ve had pretty good luck with Red Rhino. I have two for “guests” like folks who seldom fish, then I don’t have to spend allot time removing rats nests from my baitcasters. Pretty low maintenance (from a usage point of view). I change line often so it doesn’t have a tendency to develop “memory” and that helps allot too.
March 16, 2002 at 11:51 am #239053Dirk, I don’t use the spincast reels, but my wife won’t have anything but the zebco 20/10. Very good reel for panfishing and will handle the large cats and sheepies when they won’t leave her alone.
Posts: 229March 16, 2002 at 2:12 pm #239058Daiwa Gold. It’s the best quality spincast reel that I’ve come across. I bought a couple for my daughter and they have been trouble free. Do your kids a favor….change the line OFTEN so it doesn’t come out like a ‘slinky’. Fresh line means less coils and fewer prblems.
BeavMarch 16, 2002 at 9:56 pm #239084I agree 100% with beav. These are the best spincast reels available, and are made very well. I started many a youngster on these reels, with less headaches…lol!
March 18, 2002 at 3:04 pm #239140Dirk W.
I got my daughter an ABUMATIC to use. Prices range from $25-$65. All models are very reliable with fewer parts, steel bearings, dual pick-up pins, etc.
There is a new model this year ABUMATIC 275, that is smaller, which is great for smaller hands and lighter lines.
Glad to see you getting the girls involved with your fishing…….Good for you!!
Good Luck
Eric Naig
March 19, 2002 at 3:44 am #239182I agree with Eric on the Abumatic reels. Also there is a new one 275U( underspin reel). Great little reel.
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