• Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    I had the opportunity to fish with Paul Laube today AKA Mo-fishn-n-huntn. We were trolling 3-ways with live bait when we hooked this brown trout and of course I did not have a trout stamp
    It was nice to meet you Paul, maybe next time we can catch some walleye

    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 317

    Thanks Steve,
    Trout fishing was good today….walleyes, maybe next time. Nice to have met you.
    P.S. If anyone sees an Alumnacraft with a 115 merc and half the Iowa license numbers missing, we have thier shad rap and about 200′ of spiderwire.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    My guess is Steve will have a trout stamp ”today” as you never know what the good o’l Mississippi River will give you when you are out fishin.
    Thanks, Bill

    Crystal, MN
    Posts: 5

    I wonder where they come from. My father has gotten one the in last two years in the spring. Just go to prove that when you fish in the river you can catch anything!

    Posts: 4179

    These browns are coming from one of the major trout streams that empty into Lake Pepin, including (on the WI side) the Rush River and Plum Creek. It is not uncommon for browns to migrate down into large rivers during months of cooler water temps, only to head back into the trout streams themselves during the summer when the main stem of the river gets too warm for them. The WI DNR picks them up in many of their surveys of rivers like the Chip and the Red Cedar during the spring.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Hay Creek, which is a very good trout trout water, emptys into the Mississippi not very far from where Steve caught it judging by the area on the pic. We are blessed with little surprises on the Mississippi from the creeks that Brooktrout mentioned along with rivers that empty into the river too.
    Thanks, Bill

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