Quick update on Pool 2 from 3-13-12

  • rdwheeler
    Hudson WI
    Posts: 204

    So this morning I woke up and decided I better go fishing We launched at Lilydale, and started the day with a nice slick ramp, which I found out when I hit the brakes half way down the ramp… We headed all the way up to the Ford dam and worked our way down, stopping at the water runoffs, and watching the sonar for baitfish or anything appealing! After quite a bit of fish on the graph, but no interest shown I decided to throw on a big old silver Rap with orange belly, first cast nailed a very nice smallie (3.5 lbs.) sitting right in front of the water drainage just upstream of Watergate marina, (took this pic on my Bill Dance camera)

    next cast I got into a seigning net tied up with a large barge rope???? After fighting that for about 10 minutes I gotmy lure out, and was able to count about 20-25 lures in that bad boy!

    We then made our way to the confluence and had a few small taps but nothing in the boat. Now realizeing my boat is terrible on gas and that we didnt have a ton of time for spot to spot fishing we headed to St.Paul and fished a few of the runoffs in that area. We got into some VERY small eyes but nothing big.

    We were reading 44.4 degrees at 8:30 and by 4 when we pulled off it way 47.1. Hopefully tomorrow will bring some larger fish!

    Posts: 630

    Great report! Great pictures! Were you alone on the river, or were there othe boats out today?

    Posts: 1455

    Nice smallmouth. I too hit pool 2 this evening for the first outing of the year. Got to Hidden Falls and realized some A hole cut my fuel line to my motor over the winter. A few stops later, found a replacement, and got a late start. Missed a couple fish but it was sure nice to be out again. Might try to get down there undelayed in the next day or two.

    Hudson WI
    Posts: 204

    Yeah hopefully they turn up the heat in the next few days! And today I would say probably about a dozen boats were out n about!

    Posts: 1455

    ….side note. If you’d like to see where most of those storm drains go check out Actionsquad.org. Really interesting site about above and underground urban exploration.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13448

    Thanks for the report. Those photos look like summer time photos.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19027

    Nice pics. Excellent Bill Dance photo!

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