Closing of fishing floats on the Mississippi River

  • buzz55
    Posts: 2

    Is it really true that the fishing floats on the Mississippi river are all going to be closed and removed.If so why?

    Central Wisconsin US-of-A
    Posts: 1464

    I sure hope not. Where have you heard that from?
    I can’t imagine what or why they would be harming anything. I love the Great Alma Fishing Float.

    Posts: 2

    It was on channel 19 news .Should be on again to night.

    Central Wisconsin US-of-A
    Posts: 1464

    Channel 19? Out of where. What affiliate is that?

    What possible reason have they given? Any links to direct us to this information?

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 1290

    The closing of all floats on the mississippi isnt true. They are closing most of the night fishing floats. In order for you to spend the night at a float now the owner of the float has to be with you the entire night, they cant just leave you there till morning. OR someone with a captains liscense has to be there. Im trying to find the article i saw about, as soon as i do i will post it.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    I sure hope its only the night closing as there are alot of people who love to fish but don’t have a boat so this is one very nice way they can get out and fish. A great way to introduce fishing to someone without using or having a boat. Thanks for the update and please keep us informed on this. Thanks, Bill

    Long Lake IL.
    Posts: 350

    I read a newsletter from Clement’s Fishing Float that was mailed in early Feb.04 of the Wis/MN wanting to close the floats on the river. No valid reason givin that I read, made no sence. I later have heard talk that the problem is that the floats need in employment Coast Guard lisenced pilots for livery operation. Some must not. I would hate to loose the floats, that has always been a relaxing way to spend a day sitting in the sun.

    Central Wisconsin US-of-A
    Posts: 1464

    Dave Carlson is suppossed to have an update tonight on Northland Adventures. Hopefully I can stay awake to watch it.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    For give me please, what exactly are these floats you guys are talking about, can someone provide a link to somewhere that offers these?

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 1290

    Fishing floats are a great way for ppl with out boats to fish. They are usually below a dam site and they will boat u across to the float and let you fish their for the day. There are many of them up and down the river, on pool 4 there is Alma fishing float right below the lock and dam. In Dresbach there is one right below the lock and damn. To access the one in dresback just go to the closest boat landing to the dam and raise the orange flag. Those are my 2 personal favorites for walleye. there are some other great ones that i have heard about but have not yet had the chance to fish.

    Posts: 5

    Is there floats by pools 2 or 3? If so where? Thanks

    Posts: 8

    I was on the web page and they have links and addresses to the people to contact to discuss the closings. I contacted the John McGregor below and received a nice reply. The reply does not state anything about night fishing, but it does state they are exploring the possibilities of “phasing them out.” When and where to be determined. I am glad some of you are aware of this and I urge you to visit to view the people to contact. State Reps. and DNR people. Beyond the obvious reason they would be taking away great fishing spots, I wonder if they are considering the local businesses that benefit from the fisherman dollars. Would this have to due with Homeland Security? I would be happy to fish all day, AR and .45 at my side to watch over the dams What was reported on the news? Any up-to-date info available? Links?

    U.S. Fish and Wildlife – Refuge Manager John Lindell
    PO Box 460
    Mc Gregor, IA 52157
    Email: [email protected]


    The Sand Prairie
    Posts: 1838

    I saw a short segment by Carlson this weekend on KTTC, the Rochester station. It pretty much said what has been said above…Fish and Wildlife are exploring the possibility of phasing them out…not much else. If I remember correctly a F&W guy was interviewed and mentioned the budget. Not much help, but that was all that was shown. Overall it was a positive segment on the floats (eg good fiching for those who don’t have a boat, etc).

    Verona, WI.
    Posts: 10

    Beacuse I have a boat, I have only fished from a float once but it was a good time. The floats offer access to those who don’t own a boat or don’t wish to use their boat on the Miss. I think they add a lot.


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