Pool 2 Bass

  • jcpelly
    Posts: 3

    I’m pretty new to Pool 2 and haven’t tried to get into any backwater areas due to fear of hitting hidden hazards like on my one and only attempt last year. Just wondering if there is any areas for largemouth bass fishing on pool 2? Just on some hot summer days I like throwing spinnerbaits at the bigmouths to have a break from chasing the walleyes and smallies. Thanks, Jeff

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19003

    Few spots. Not much for for LM.

    Lake Elmo MN
    Posts: 1106


    Few spots. Not much for for LM.


    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12569

    There are some really good Backwater LM fishing on Pool 2 – Like you said you have to be rather carefull getting back into some of them. Moores lake and Grey cloud are 2 of the better ones. The fishing in these areas are the best early in the season. I’ve had some Great days in April back in both of them.

    St. Paul MN
    Posts: 1920

    It seems to me that during the warm water period of summer most largemouths are out on the wingdams or main river banks. There will be a scant few in the backwaters bust most are near mild current. You can still catch them on the main river on that blade when conditions are right, which is often. But what would I know, I’ve only bass fished pool 2 more than anyone alive the past 2 years

    Eden Prairie
    Posts: 857

    Anybody care to share any info about smallmouth fishing in P2. I have never tried it but it looks good with all the rip rap shorelines.

    Posts: 3

    I managed to hit that barge that is on the east side of the river north of the 494 bridge my first time ever on the river this spring. At the time it was under water. Later in the season I would go by that thing with it 4 ft out of the water and wonder how in the he!! I could hit that big thing. Not a good start to trying to find a largemouth bass hotspot. After that I converted to going after smallies and got hooked. Not very good at finding them but they are fun so i’ll keep trying. Will probably have to give the largemouths another shot this year.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 1372

    Largemouth are few…only caught two. One up near the dam and the other in grey cloud slough. Caught a lot of smallmouth but nothing ever over 16-17 inches. Keep fishing smallmouth and eventually you’ll get into some big whitetips and forget about bass all together.

    Posts: 105

    The bass that I have caught in pool 2 have typically come off of the shallower sides of the wing dams, and most of them have come in the couple mile stretch from the confluence to downtown.

    Granted, I don’t get out or target bass nearly as much as I mean to.

    inver grove heights, minnesota
    Posts: 857

    There are nice largemouth in pool 2.. but way more smallies with some toads swimming around.. rip rap, wingdams, log jam, docks, etc can hold nice smallmouths. If you can find some of the bigger schools youll be in for a treat.

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