Ice coming over the dam

  • mojogunter
    Posts: 3399

    Maybe it is because of the warm weather, but I have never seen the water and ice coming over the dam in Red Wing during the winter. I could be wrong but it seems to me that during the winter months the gates are up and the water flows under them. The flow is supposed to be about the same as it was a week ago, but the current seams have completly changed with what I percieved as a change with the dam. Does anyone know if I am I wrong about this?

    Eric Rehberg
    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 3071

    My past experience down there would say that due to the ice flows they probably dropped the gates just far enough so the ice can flow over the rollers. If they left them just out of the water and the ice flow coming down was large enough there would be a huge ice dam/jam just above the dam.

    I would say they lowered them just enough for the ice to go over. They usually do it in late january or so when the ice starts to break up for the spring, but with this warm weather im sure there is a fair amount of ice that has broke off and is now floating down the river.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    We had a small uptick in the water level here on P2 3 days ago. That will get a lot of ice moving on pool 3. Not uncommon with the warm weather.


    George Mead
    Posts: 12

    We submerge the gates in the winter mainly so the ice can flow over them. The settings below water are equivalent to what they would be above the water. Water can be passed either above or below the gates but the submerged settings are limited to a certain amount of flow. Once the volume of water exceeds what can be put over the gates, they must be raised to allow the extra volume to pass under. That can cause ice dams and the gates to freeze in their tracks. So it is preferred to keep them submerged as much as possible in the winter. Hope that helps

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Thanks George!

    Posts: 3399

    Thank you for the information. I appreciate it.

    Posts: 3681

    George ,you must have lowered them right before dark last night.No ice floating down until the sun went down.Not a huge amount but still anoying.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Be nice Stuart, he has a cold.

    Last Monday, the three rollers closest to the WI side had pleanty of water going over them with the most seeming to be on the WI side.

    The MN side roller was up and no water going over that. I’m guessing the “outdraft” would slide the ice to the WI side.

    Either way, sure messed up the “normal” eddie on the MN side.

    Posts: 3399

    When I was there on Tuesday the Wind was blowing the ice to the MN side, and holding it there for most of the day. After the wind died down the ice started working its way down river, and yes the eddie on the MN side had moved, and the current along the Mn edge was quite strong.

    Posts: 3681

    He’s not a girl.I don’t think he will over a little ribbing.Unlike some people. Lock masters are a tough breed.
    Right George?

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