Fishing Lessons

  • grumpy
    Iowa, Clinton
    Posts: 489

    I haven’t fished in over 20yrs, didn’t have alot of luck this past season, threw lures for most of it and 1 small large mouth by accident. Some cats, flathead, channel and one that refused to come to the surface with crawlers, a couple good perch, I used to catch fish just don’t know what I am doing wrong? Patience? Pool 14 has been tough for everyone but dang

    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749

    One day with a good guide is worth 20 years of trying to figure out what you are doing wrong or not doing right~!

    Northern Illinois
    Posts: 28

    Don’t feel so all alone Grumpy. Pools 13 and 14 have been very hard to fish this year. Most of the year the water has been about two feet above normal, only getting close to normal over the past month. The flow has been up keeping fish from positioning in their usual seasonal spots. Keep putting in your time and keep your eyes open. Good Luck

    Iowa, Clinton
    Posts: 489

    Sketter, I know a matter of time, the fish I have caught were good ones, good fight! Going out thurs. think I’ll go for some channel cats. Many days I got skunked..The river has really been up/down, closed twice, lots of rain. It seems really low now, spots I can’t even get into!!!

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