river level info?

  • woolybugger1
    W Wisconsin
    Posts: 276

    It seems as though we are not going to get the river level component back on this site. It was a great feature in the past. I much prefered the format reading between 6 and 11 or however many feet. Does anyone have a link to where that info or chart came from?

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    Try this one. One the right hand side you can change the site of the river stage for darn near whatever you want.

    big dad
    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 238

    And for those of you who haven’t looked lately, the latest river forecast shows it coming up in a hurry (possibly around 8′ at Red Wing by next Thursday) Also, a chance of very heavy rains here and particularily to the North tonight. Be aware of fast changing conditions – water may get ugly next couple of weeks. Just in time for the spawn!

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    High water is needed for a good spawn to take place. Don’t take me wrong as I hate flooding as it ruins peoples property and homes but we need higher water than we have now for a good spawn to take place. It also will help to get rid of the ice. If we can get enough rain and water from melt down coming down the river to allow a good spawn and get rid of the ice and not cause flooding then great!
    Thanks, Bill

    Posts: 122

    I’m a bit of a novice here. How do I read this info and make use of it. I was looking at the St. Paul info and it says 3.79 feet but that doesn’t mean anything to me.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    It looks like the one at St. Paul hasn’t been updated or is not working at the moment. If you look at the link below you will see the graph for Red Wing, Mn. and right now it shows 3.80 for the water level and the graph shows that by the 31st. of this month it will be over 8 ft. At the very top of the page it list Red Wing as having a flood stage of 14ft. It gives you an idea of what is happening with the water levels over the next few days [water level is coming up].
    Thanks, Bill

    water levels

    Posts: 122

    Okay Bill I see how the flood level info gives you an overall gauge to use but how do I know when the water levels are so low that I might have problems with Navigation. Is there some low numbers where you really need to be much more careful?

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    The bottom numbers on the graph, in this case is 3.13ft., is the approx. ”normal” water level for Red Wing. When you see the level below that you know its getting pretty low in areas. In fact even at normal levels some areas of the river like back channels and sloughs can be dangerous in places due to silting in. Also when you have high water in the spring from snow melt, ice melt, rain etc. you need to be very carefull even on the main channel areas of the river and Lake Pepin as that high water will wash crude, sticks and logs off of the shoreline into the river and all of that stuff is floating down river. After logs have floated in the river for a period of time they become water logged and then float slightly under the water [called deadheads] so you can’t see them and if you hit one with your motor it could damage your motor and/or lose control and even throw a person out of their boat so its smart to wear a life vest. The river is a great place to fish etc. but at times it can be dangerous and you have to be carefull. Spring provides great fishing on the river but when the water level gets high enough for flooding its best to beware. Thanks, Bill

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Just glad to be able to be of some help to you.
    Thanks, Bill

    Posts: 813

    I want to take a day of work off and is it worth my time this Friday with the rising water levels or do I save the day off for later in the month. The weather looks really good, so I figured this would be a good day but if this high water is no good for fishing I’ll wait for another day. Any shared info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

    Mazeppa, MN
    Posts: 535


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