For all the river bass enthusiasts: The 2002 KFAN/St. Jude Team Bass Championship is coming. The tournament is May 4 & 5 on Pools 3 & 4. The Entry fee is $250 per 2 man team. $50 from each entry fee goes to St. Judes. The field is limited to 125 boats and all indications are the field will fill, so don’t wait. You can find the rules and entry forms on the FKAN website <> . Once inside, go to On Air/Shows/FAN Outdoors.
In the last 4 years this tournament has raised over $80,000 for St. Judes Children’s Hospital. The Hospital is for children with catastrophic diseases and the care is at no charge to the family. A number of families in our area have benefited from this charity. In addition, a great deal of money and effort goes to research for the cure of childhood disease.
Money is raised for the charity by entry fees, corporate sponsorship, individual pledges and angler contributions. It’s become a tradition for the anglers who get a check to share part of the prize money with St. Jude.
Come and join us, its one of the best run tournaments in the area and you will leave with a sense that you have done your part for a great cause. You will want to be part of it again and again.
The Zumbro Valley Bassmasters

Posts: 3
February 28, 2002 at 9:36 pm