I brought a new boat last year,with a 2-stroke 60 hp. on it=I was really disapointed with the preformance of this engine,I ended up taking it back to the dealer and traded for a 4-stroke 75 hp. MAN,what a difference=in my opinion the only way to go is 4-stroke====WHAT’S YOUR TAKE ON IT? tightlines and good fishn’ “WALLEYETRACKER”
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Mississippi River » Mississippi River – General Discussion » 4-stroke verses 2-stroke
4-stroke verses 2-stroke
February 28, 2002 at 3:21 pm #238006
The verdict is in! The Feds have mandated 4stroke useage by
2006. The only problems with’m which maybe corected as time goes on is : Weight and size – all the 4stokes are 35 to 200 lbs heavier than the 2’s. The power heads as you’ve noticed are the size of the old 1970’s Evinrudes (your probably to young to have ever seen one, but they where like mini bathtubs). 4strokes lose a little at top end and are noted for poor hole shots. Most guys have put on some kind of “trim plate” to help this.
But the quite’ness, the economy and the ability to back the 4stoke down into trolling speeds have really become the selling points for these new engines !!!
GofishKensyl Reading——–EFN ProStaff
February 28, 2002 at 3:29 pm #238007What would be a good 4-stoke tiller hp for a 1997 16 ft Lund deep V?
February 28, 2002 at 3:53 pm #238011When you say the Feds have mandated 4 stroke usage by 2006 does that mean all that can be used are 4 strokes or will there be a grandfather clause for existing 2 strokes?
February 28, 2002 at 3:57 pm #238013kreading,
As I understand it, the law does not require 4-stroke usage by 2006. If I’m incorrect, please let us know where you got that info??
The 2006 emissions law is a “Low E” law. (Low Emissions) Many of the 2 strokes sold today meet that low-e law already. Including my Merc XR-6, 150 HP 2-stroke gas guzzler!!
I think a lot of the confusion is due to STATE LAWS requireing 4-stroke use on inland waters. For instance, California already has such laws.
February 28, 2002 at 4:02 pm #238015Bluefin,
Yes, all old outboards are grandfathered in. EXCEPT where STATE LAW mandates otherwise.
February 28, 2002 at 4:25 pm #238020Thanks Jon – I’ve got an old 20 horse merc that I would hate to have to retire.
February 28, 2002 at 4:30 pm #238021Hey Dball Since the four strokes are so much heavier you might want to think about a 4 stroke 30 possibly a 35 if your boat can take all the weight in back. They aren’t lying when they say the are that much heavier. On my flat I planned on getting a 25 four stroke, but the weight was just tremendous, the boat would have been ok alone and with people in the front, but with my 204 pound ass sittin in back just alone she’d end up flippin over on me. That would suck.
March 1, 2002 at 7:23 pm #238105I am aware of clean water and clean air regulations for motors by 2006. That has been in place for a long time already. Merc Opti Max, Evinrude Ficht, and Yamaha HPDI two strokes are all compliant with the standards required by then. Four stroke only is news to me! I will have to see it to believe it!
TuckMarch 2, 2002 at 12:11 am #238122I don’t know about the EPA Laws, but I am very happy with my 50 HP Merc 4 stroke. It’s been a very good fishing motor. SNAKEYES
March 2, 2002 at 1:07 am #238125I’ve seen good and bad from all makes of motors. I’ve been with evinrude since my folks let me operate one as a little s$*t. Since Bombardier took over OMC, I’ll still be an evinrude guy. I was actually leaning toward the 4-stroke yammer hammer, but I’ve seen and heard enough of Bombardier’s Evinrude Ficht to keep me fromgoing elsewhere.
March 2, 2002 at 2:17 am #238126I have a 99 ficht 90 hp. on a 16 mr. pike and love it. I can run from the dam to the lake twice and not burn 1/4 tank of gas.I only have a 18 gal. tank.It has the pickup and speed of a 2 stroke and the great gas mileage of a 4 stroke. Personaly I would’nt have a straight 2 stroke if it was free, and I have had a lot of them, and they all run just fine. The new ones are the best of all worlds. Just my thoughts.
March 2, 2002 at 4:03 pm #238139Ya Hey All – Sorry, what I ment was. 2006 your outboard dealer will not be selling “new” strokes because they are supposed to be fazed out. Useage of 2 & 4 storke will be dictated by the Start under Fed. guidlines and mandates.
Dball — I’d put a 40 Honda 4stroke on that rig !!!! You’ll be amazed how well your rig will troll with that set-up.
Kensyl Reading ——–EFN ProStaffMarch 2, 2002 at 7:37 pm #238174HEY KREADING
Do you have a trim plate on your merc it seams to get up on plane very easy with just your dog up front. also are you at your rated hp, or under it. im looking at rerigging an older starcraft. 16.5 ft long rated for a 85 hp with the console in.
I have removed the unit and am looking at about a 50 hp 4 strokethanks
CURRENT BREAKMarch 2, 2002 at 11:45 pm #238196Yo Current- The rig I have now is rated for 65hp and in 2000
there where no 60hp 4strokes available, that size range was established in 2001.
I use a SESport stabilizer (Cabela’s-$39.95). I have used some type of hydro plate on 4 different rigs I’ve owned from
150hp down to the 60hp I use now. Those hydro plates give ya a much better hole shot and lateral stability for a lot fewer dollars than messing with Chopper, or with 4-5 blade props.
GofishMarch 2, 2002 at 11:57 pm #238197I agree the hydro plate is the way to go . It gets you up on plane very fast and some say it helps on fuel but I dought it. Could not tell anyway. You will see a BIG differance in hole shots.
Posts: 103March 3, 2002 at 4:14 am #238214Does anyone know if putting a plate or a dolefin or anything on your outboard to help get it on plane quicker negates the warranty on a new motor? I have heard such comments, but really don’t know for sure. I just got a 50 hp Merc 4 stroke and was thinking of putting a plate on, but not sure I will if it affects the warrantly. Thanks
March 3, 2002 at 4:42 am #238215fishsqzr
About 4 years ago I installed a stainless steel plate on a 60 HP merc motor. At that time that type of installation did not void any part of my warranty from the manufacturer. On the more well known brands, the packaging for the plates clearly advertises to this affect.
March 3, 2002 at 8:01 pm #238260Kreading, not trying to be a smart a$$, but you mustn’t have looked very hard. I got my Suzuki 60hp 4-stroke in July of 1999. Mounted on my 16ft. Pro-V tiller. They were hard to come by at that time. Went to Suzuki Marine’s website for list of dealers and started calling until I found one in stock.
March 3, 2002 at 8:16 pm #238262When I bought a new motor last year the dealer took the one off of my old motor and put it on the new motor.
March 4, 2002 at 1:01 am #238274Ya Leo, caught me again, the Suzuki was the first and only brand to offer a 60hp late 1999 . Suzuki has had a rocky reputation, which is turning around, but I felt it was not worth the risk especially not knowing if the one on my rig was the first run off the assy. line.
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