Muscatine – Big Timber

  • Fishon1
    Posts: 6

    I took a little scouting trip Friday Pm to check out the Big Timber and Lake Odessa (by car). Question I have is the Breakers and Big Timber the same thing? Also were in Big Timber do you fish? I stopped at the ramp just over the dike and wonder if that is where you put your boat in or do you motor down from Muscatine? Just getting ready for a great fishing year, I hope.

    From what I have read Big Timber has some good panfish and bass. Any place else you would recommend for panfish?

    Have a great day.

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    Hi Fishon,

    Big Timber and The Breaks are one and the same. When I fish it I put in just over the levee at the ramp you were at. Besides the breaks, there is Odessa, Cleveland slough, eagle fill slough. Except for Odessa, all of these are in the Muscatine pool. As for where to fish the breaks, if it looks like it might hold fish, fish it. If it doesn’t, try it anyway.

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