opti max motors

    Posts: 18

    I just recently purchased a 1999 150 opti max. I heard they had a few problems with them. I was wondering if anybody heard of any problems? Mine seems to run fine.

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 498

    Hey Walleye Hunter

    one of my buddies have a 200 opti max and he just loves it. but I have heard the plugs are outragoues in price. I hope you have good luck with it and what kind of boat did you put it on.

    talk to you later

    Nate Cadwell

    Posts: 18

    Hey Nate I got it on a 1785 Yar-Craft Mille Lacs edition

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3544

    Walleye Hunter

    The only thing I have heard is from some of the bass boys. Great motors, The only problem most have had with them if they do a lot of idleing with them. Just seems to screw them up some how, and the mechanics can`t seem to figure out what and why.

    Good Luck

    Tom P

    Posts: 4

    walleye hunter good choice of engine. I got a 200 on my Charger,runs hard all day long. Only problem I have had was cheap Champion plugs go bad. Merc. paid for new plugs plus the labor. No smoke ,easy on the gas and oil usage.


    Nelson Wi
    Posts: 300

    walleye hunter, i know of last year most boat retailers that carried mercs and other outboards gave 2 thumbs up for the opti-max’s. Their all around performance was good.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    My 2001 175 with the Smart package is phenominal! I have gone on many over night and all day trolling adventures at 550 RPM without missing even a beat! I can can it and hit 5600 RPM without hesitation. I don’t know how much had changed from 99 to 2001.


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