Wabasha Landing Open?

  • gonefishin
    Posts: 346

    Hi – anyone know if Wabasha landing is open?

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    It was a mess yet a couple days ago with water on everything. The water may have dropped enough to get a boat in but the clean-up down there will not have been done. I don’t think it will be available until they get it all picked up.

    Pool 4
    Posts: 180

    Nope, still have it blocked off.

    Posts: 1530

    I can add the gate is still closed at the Peterson Lake access and the water is below the road going to Wilcox.


    My river
    Posts: 1678

    water was still in the parking lot at ikes when i drove by today

    Posts: 346

    Thanks guys, bummer tomorrow is supposed to be really nice. Any other place a person can get on and fish below Wabasha?

    Posts: 1530

    Bring your boots and launch in the marina on the north side of the tracks.


    Posts: 346

    Hi – does anyone have an update on Wabasha landing being open?

    Eric Rehberg
    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 3071

    My guess is that it is not open yet as they moved the St Jude Bass tourny to a different launch. I do not know for sure though as I havent seen it for myself.

    The Sand Prairie
    Posts: 1846

    Saw two truck and trailer rigs in the lot yesterday, so I assume it is open. Must have been dang cold out there with the rain, temp, and wind.

    Posts: 346

    Great, thanks for the info, I will give it a try on Friday.

    Posts: 346

    Hi – The main Wabasha landing was closed today. The single landing to the North next to the boat slips is open, but if you have a bunk trailer like myself, make sure to bring hip boots as your truck will be in the water up to the front axle.

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