Pool 4 White Bass

  • boone
    Woodbury, MN
    Posts: 957

    I was wondering if anyone can give an update on the Pool 4 white bass. Are there many of them up by the dam yet? I’d like to take the kids out and white bass can be really fun for kids or adults if they’re going good.


    Jeff mattingly
    Lonsdale, Mn
    Posts: 515

    White bass are very easy to come buy right now. Caught them on plastics, lip less cranks, blade baits. Keep a few for a meal but a limit of 25 is ridiculous. Pool 4 is a great white bass fishery and we need to protect that. Have fun and what a perfect bite to bring the kids on.

    Posts: 100

    miny whitebass limit 25.i like to chase them.

    Jeff mattingly
    Lonsdale, Mn
    Posts: 515

    I stand corrected thanks One. Still 25 is a large limit.

    Posts: 2218

    Down here South of pool 4 there are not many. Years ago back in the 80s and 90s they were all over. Water would be busting with them and it was great fishing.

    Anyone remember those days South of pool 4?

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Down here South of pool 4 there are not many. Years ago back in the 80s and 90s they were all over. Water would be busting with them and it was great fishing.

    Anyone remember those days South of pool 4?

    In the early 60’s a buddy and I had an old wooden fishing boat with a 9.9 merc on the back that we’d launch in Merrick State Park. Some of the channels we’d explore were full of white bass. More recently I have seen whites up in the Pool 5 areas in fair numbers but I think like anything its more about timing. Maybe its due to habitat loss that numbers are down in some locations. Being a river things change all the time.

    Way back then we’d ice a few whites and soak the fillets in milk after scraping the fat layer off the fillet and those critters were very good eating.

    Posts: 100

    Me and my uncle went up to Redwing Dam from 12-5pm. we caught 11 white bass. i think Jeff right 25 limit is too many. i think 12 is enough.! (sunday-4-23).

    Woodbury, MN
    Posts: 957

    I fished Sunday afternoon. I started off downstream of Redwing and then went up near the dam. I don’t have much to report as I never found much. I did get a 2-3 pound bowfin that hit a Rattle Trap. Those are pretty cool looking fish and it’s been quite a while since I’ve caught one. The water temperature was about 55-56 F.


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