If you have a Facebook account checkout the Everts page. I can’t post the videos here and those speak louder then my ramblings.
In a nutshell, I didn’t talk to anyone today that didn’t catch fish. In fact a couple of river newbies from St Cloud where down and landed three nice fish. Pretty good for lake fellas for their first time on the river!
21 feet of water or less. One fella was the odd ball that was successful with black, everyone else was taking chartreuse.
Largest fish today (that I saw) was from a young lad with a 5.8 pound walleye and a 10 pound smile!
Seemed like everyone was using a different presentation. Dragging, Dubuque rigs, vertical and pitching all worked at one time or another today.
Minnows or plastics both brought fish into the boat.


