Pool 4 stuff?

  • eauclaireboys
    Eau Claire wi
    Posts: 145

    Well with work closed and school out it makes new opportunities appear like getting to go fishing in March during the week!!

    I have not been on pool 4 in many years this early. Are there many people out??

    Are there many fish being caught? I have only ever made it to the river for post spawn. I assume it’s pre spawn right now. Any tips for a guy to find some eyes.

    Lastly is the Wisconsin landing open or is it best to use Everts?

    And from a water level come Monday will the water be safe for me and my father in-law in our 16ft alumacraft?

    Thanks guys!

    SE MN
    Posts: 5241

    I think it will be packed next week. the backchannel landing is a good one but I have never used it since it was re finished. there are boats half that size out there so you’ll be fine. looked like the rollers were open at the dam so expect some debris if you venture that way. I too am non essential so guess what?

    I will be fishing my brains out next 2 weeks………CANT WAIT

    Fridley, MN
    Posts: 3053

    Everts is open per their posts – self serve bait shop as well. They have been showing some nice eyes being caught as well.

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5196

    My guess is all open water from p2 to p4 is gonna be pretty crazy with people not working. Throw any decent weather on top of that and it’ll be bumper boats on 4.

    The bite should just get better over the next couple weeks though. Definitely worth going if you can.

    Posts: 332

    The number of boats out is crazy. Fish were being caught but the number of boats made it very difficult to fish most spots efficiently. Water will be rising quick now….

    spring valley mn
    Posts: 756

    Just a fyi Everts had no shuttle today and everyone had to walk down and then back up at the end of day! This was a chore.I will return when the shuttle comes back otherwise other ramps are full but not having to walk that hill with a bad hip is not for me good luck!

    Eau Claire wi
    Posts: 145

    Well just got back from our trip to P4. We got in about 8 this morning and put in at the Wisconsin channel which had docks but were 5 ft deep in water.

    We worked a few spots from there up to the dam with very little success. We had only seen a few boats catch a few shorts up by the dam. After 5 hours of battling current and no fish we moved down around the island and into the calm down stream water below the lock. Boats were stacked. But they were there because that’s where the small fish were bountiful. I probably saw 50+ fish brought in per hour. But most seemed to be 6-12”.

    There was one boat using crawlers and they had 5 sturgeon in one spot, that was cool.

    All told it was a beautiful day to be out but had to have a fish sandwich at McDonald’s for dinner.

    Good luck out there be safe as the water is high and will be getting even higher over the next week.

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    Posts: 13

    Fished this morning- first trip to the river this year. Pulled Dubuque rigs in the usual spots in the boat parade. Saw one boat land what looked like a 40 lb cat and then another land a 31″ walleye. Overall though, pretty slow going. The water, of course, is really dirty right now and the current is high. Still fishable through and we caught a few. It was fun to get out and it is always fun to talk with the guys(I did not see any gals out today but would have happily talked with them too!) in the other boats. Always impressed with the quality of my fellow fishermen and their willingness to share ideas and work together to catch fish. Can’t wait to get out again!

    Posts: 3

    What is the water level today, and the cutrrent flow? There is surely somewhere I can find this on the web but dont know where?

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9044

    Well just got back from our trip to P4. We got in about 8 this morning and put in at the Wisconsin channel which had docks but were 5 ft deep in water.

    We worked a few spots from there up to the dam with very little success. We had only seen a few boats catch a few shorts up by the dam. After 5 hours of battling current and no fish we moved down around the island and into the calm down stream water below the lock. Boats were stacked. But they were there because that’s where the small fish were bountiful. I probably saw 50+ fish brought in per hour. But most seemed to be 6-12”.

    There was one boat using crawlers and they had 5 sturgeon in one spot, that was cool.

    All told it was a beautiful day to be out but had to have a fish sandwich at McDonald’s for dinner.

    Good luck out there be safe as the water is high and will be getting even higher over the next week.

    I’m almost exclusively a Pool 4 guy, but I simply cannot imagine fishing in that crowd of boats pictured. I hit the river to get away from crowds. I’m no expert, but even at this time of the year some of the best fish we see are caught in spots not visible from the dam in my boat.

    Glad to see you had fun and managed some fish. So many people have this perception that because they saw a guide share a post of a bunch of fish or some resort pictures…that anyone can show up and hammer walleyes one after the other which is simply not the truth. Sometimes I think this just leads to a slaughtering of 10-12″ saugers going home in livewells or “released” from the scour holes only to feed the eagles. The river is often humbling, but a great place to wet some lines.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    If your going to P4, you might want to consider doing it today!

    Back channel will be barricaded off tonight or tomorrow night.
    Coleville and Bay Point will close Saturday/Sunday if the current forecast is correct.

    I hope the crest that’s forecasted for next Wednesday @ 15′ is wrong!

    Posts: 6687

    I hit the river to get away from crowds.

    Yuuup!! Pool 3 in the winter is magical for solitude!

    Pool4 in the spring forces me to go new places and learn new things to get away from boats!

    Lund 1800
    Posts: 3

    BK, is there a specific stage at which they close off the back channel, Coleville and Baypoint?


    Posts: 1

    Me and my brother are looking to try pool 4 on Sunday, I haven’t fished here in quite some time and was looking for information about rising waters. Is there a point they shut the landing down at everts? also would if still be safe being out there on sunday? Ive looked at the hydrograph and im just curious at what point its unsafe fishing. Looking to fish and have a good time, and not be dumb about it. Thanks for any info in advance.

    Posts: 1892

    Everts post yesterday made it sound like today would be last day they were open because of the water.

    Posts: 516

    I put in at Coleville yesterday and city worker said that the ramps would be closed by end of day.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    The City of Red Wing announced that Bay Point will be closed on April 6th.

    spring valley mn
    Posts: 756

    Was out yesterday and there is a lot of debris and trees coming down. but you still have guys running full throttle 😵 heard someone hit something hauling a..!! can’t figure y but not my stuff just be careful watch close and have fun

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Bay Port will be open until further notice.

    Posts: 24

    I tried all over pool 4 on 4/1.
    I fished right and left of the Y, down river a bit, into Wisconsin channel, and back into goose. Caught 1 near the dam and saw 1 caught below the lock, and that was it. There were a lot if boats and I think I saw 1 other fish caught. I didn’t mark any in the Wisconsin channel. Goose had a lot of marks in the hole but no takers. I’ve never been able to catch a walleye in goose lake off the Wisconsin channel. They probably weren’t walleye.

    I find it a lot harder to catch them this time of year when the rollers are up.

    Dusty Gesinger
    Minnetrista, Minnesota
    Posts: 2421

    Find the right current, doesn’t usually matter how shallow it is.

    SE MN
    Posts: 5241

    I think I was there thursday and it was tough! I too spent time in 3rd cut and other areas I frequent and only got bit a couple times. I stay away from the shenanigans at the dam and usually go as far as hay creek. going to change up my tactics next time and see if I can get a couple as I am DUE!

    spring valley mn
    Posts: 756

    Today was like shooting fish in a barrel! this am lots of fish and a nice day I had a ball

    Posts: 407

    Scratcher it was nice talking with you. I was in the 92′ Alumacraft Dominator, Fishing was good!

    Dusty Gesinger
    Minnetrista, Minnesota
    Posts: 2421

    Scratcher it was nice talking with you. I was in the 92′ Alumacraft Dominator, Fishing was good!

    That’s a long alumacraft.

    SE MN
    Posts: 5241

    was there a tournament out of baypoint today? holy crap was there a pile of trailers! maybe everyone wanted to enjoy the nice day before the S hit the F tomorrow? there sure are a lot of bass guys who like their walleye fishing! I bet 70% of the boats were bass boats. fishing was good for me today finally!

    Posts: 1040

    Yeah. It was crazy busy.

    Glad it was good day for you. Never had a bite. But sure was nice day out.

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