Pool 4 presentation Feb 6th 2017

  • a-and-t
    By Rochester,MN
    Posts: 708

    Walleye Searchers would like to announce that Nick Schlesser will be giving a presentation on latest fish survey for Pool 4. Nick is with the DNR fisheries based out of Lake City. The event is free to the public and will be held on February 6, 7:00pm at the Elk’s Lodge in Rochester,Mn. Nick does a great presentation and has a lot of informative graphs to see.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Bump up

    By Rochester,MN
    Posts: 708

    Reminder . Address of venue is 1652 E frontage rd, Rochester,mm
    Hope you see you there. This is a free, open to the public event.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8981

    Is there an electronic copy of the slides for this presentation posted anywhere?

    MN DNR Fisheries – Lake City
    Lake CIty, MN
    Posts: 158

    Sorry about that guys. I had it mostly done by the end of that week and it got shuffled down the pile. I will try and have it up by noon today if all goes well. Thanks for the reminder Brian.

    MN DNR Fisheries – Lake City
    Lake CIty, MN
    Posts: 158

    Attached find the presentation with notes from the February 2017 Walleye Searchers meeting. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

    1. waesearchers-2017-w-notes.pdf

    Posts: 1054


    Thank you for posting the report . I look forward to it.


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