Pool 4- How High is the Water Momma?

  • critter 1
    Posts: 127

    NWS updated forecast at noon today. 16.4 around Monday or Tuesday. That is about 1.3 feet higher than it is now at Lock 4. Prediction is highest in 20 years. !6.4 in Alma will put it 4th highest on record. Interesting read. Chances are growing to see 2001 levels according to update.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8983

    Levels were updated and increased here on the lower end near Wabasha and Lake City as well. Wabasha already has quite a few streets and parks under water with more water coming.

    This should put us at either the 5th or 6th highest crest of all time by the middle of next week.

    The area is going to take a hit on Memorial Day with that being a huge tourist draw to a few small local river communities. I can’t see it dropping low enough that even the most dedicated marinas will have everyone in and ready to rock by then.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    That rain last night didn’t help anything. I was driving back from Rogers and it was a brutal 40 mph or less trip. The only good thing about the short time it hailed was that it wasn’t raining so dang hard when it hailed.

    We’re leaving Memorial Day weekend for our second trip to St Louis via the river….unless we can’t get fuel along the way. Son of a…

    SE MN
    Posts: 5241

    Hey Brian, is the water going to reach Harbor Bar? I remember the markers on the posts in there but don’t recall what years those were.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Trenton Island is completely covered with water for a few days now.

    As of today, we’ll be closely tied with the crest of 1997.

    1. Harbor-Bar-4.19.23.jpg

    2. 2023-17.1-feet.jpg

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Little better shot…

    1. Harbor-Bar-4.19.23-1.jpg

    Posts: 2828

    You’ve heard of skipping docks, wait until you try skipping porches and garages! frown

    SE MN
    Posts: 5241

    uffda that is worst than what i was expecting. historic lows to historic high levels in such a short span. haven’t been in there in quite a few years but will definitely pay some patronage next time down.

    Between Pool 2 and Pool 4
    Posts: 788

    Hmmmm… why is it you never see Brian and the Hamms Bear in the same place? It’s uncanny!

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    Between Pool 2 and Pool 4
    Posts: 788

    I guess I won’t be dropping by the camper with some whisky anytime soon. toast

    63 is still open, isn’t it?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    LOL! Looks like about 3′ to go before the water can go over 63, but it’s close enough on both sides that it makes a person look twice.

    BHM, I’m in Bay Point for the short term. It’s a short walk with very little water so far.

    As far as Sasha and I not being together… we had a date night a couple years. All she ever wanted for dinner was duck.

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    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8983

    A group of local athletes/students and I filled about 2200 sandbags last night.

    Unfortunately many low-lying property owners know that sandbagging won’t be enough alone.

    The local FD has been filling basements with clean water for free, to hopefully pressurize the drains and keep some of the river water out. One homeowner asked for 4′ of water in their basement, solely to help keep the walls and foundation from hopefully collapsing. Tough situation for many people.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Thanks Bucky, back on track.

    I don’t recall what year it was but Dean had a plastic septic tank underground. It wasn’t filled with water and one morning I woke up and it was sitting above ground. Blew that 500 gallon cork right out of the ground!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Hope this is the last of it for this year.

    1. April-27-2023-1.jpg

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Highest prediction by the NWS at Red Wing was 17.5.
    Actual was 16.8′.

    They did well. Beat the ell out of my 13′ prediction!

    Posts: 24664

    I think there is still a large snowpack up North, I wonder how that will impact things as it melts? Some areas got another foot like a week ago.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8983

    I think there is still a large snowpack up North, I wonder how that will impact things as it melts? Some areas got another foot like a week ago.

    The ground here locally can take some moisture. It’s not overly wet by any means for areas that weren’t under water. The weekend and next week’s light rains will be welcomed in the SE part of the state. People have had a perfect 4 day window to get into the fields and get stuff planted.

    As for whatever is left to melt, I don’t think it will even register a noticeable change on river levels down here. We have had days where the water has receded as much as 10″ on the local gauge. That’s a rollercoaster pace for water leaving the system.

    South metro
    Posts: 548

    Don’t look now…

    1. Screenshot_20240620-113159_Chrome.jpg

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Yes folks, that is 16.1 feet. All ramps and businesses will be closed.

    Good time to go prairie dog hunting if you ask me.

    1. redm5_hg.png

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8983

    The Mrs. booked a week in Hayward early July that I was not thrilled about dragging the tritoon up for. Turns out that might be the kids’ only chance for water sports before August at home

    Posts: 22

    Anyone know if any of the ramps are open on Pepin? I have a friend coming home from TX and would like to get out if we can.

    Posts: 2024

    Has the dam in Rapidan broken yet ? Wonder how much that’ll make P4 jump or is that small potatoes . Doesn’t look good regardless .

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3211

    Has the dam in Rapidan broken yet ? Wonder how much that’ll make P4 jump or is that small potatoes . Doesn’t look good regardless .

    My bad. I orinally said so much as it wouldn’t bother the Miss but mistaken.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Covil closed in front of my truck yesterday. Had me stop and slid the Road Closed sign in front of me. LOL

    She’s at 13.x and crest has been lowered to 15.9.
    It’s been announced that it’s No Wake from just above Lake City to the Hastings Dam and up the St Croix.

    Don’t ask me who is enforcing this. I just hope we as boaters/fishermen will observe it.

    1. redm5_hg-1.png

    Posts: 4362

    Seen a video of a shed going over the dam. I would say its done for. Guessing the MN river gonna go up faster now.

    SE MN
    Posts: 1077

    Covil closed in front of my truck yesterday. Had me stop and slid the Road Closed sign in front of me. LOL

    She’s at 13.x and crest has been lowered to 15.9.
    It’s been announced that it’s No Wake from just above Lake City to the Hastings Dam and up the St Croix.

    Don’t ask me who is enforcing this. I just hope we as boaters/fishermen will observe it.

    As a FYI the only no wake notice I can find for pool 3 is the Hastings dam to mile marker 813(green marker just above Kings Cove Marina). Is there an updated restriction someone can share? Finding boat landings will be a bigger issue than no wakes if we hit 20′ on 3. The croix is no wake for sure.

    I ran the length of 3 on Sunday, and there were LOT’s of trees and many sunken buoys. Watch out if you’re venturing out right now.

    Posts: 4362

    An hour ago it was quit aways from the house. Its a goner shortly now the way it looks.

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