pool 4 dead sea

  • wimwuen
    LaCrosse, WI
    Posts: 1960


    Ha professional …. I haven’t even earned a Wal-Mart smock yet whistling

    I’m quitting fishing and protesting at the scour hole, with a sign that says “Leave the Vabies alone”

    Posts: 9309

    @Andyisder, mud puppies are worth good money. You should cash in. Of course for a small fee I could hook you up with a buyer. grin Not sure if he buys them all year though.

    Joel VandeKrol
    Ankeny, IA
    Posts: 460

    I’m quitting fishing and protesting at the scour hole, with a sign that says “Leave the Vabies alone”

    This is getting good.

    1. 083.gif

    Posts: 6687

    But that would require me to downsize my baits and stop fishing for sturgeon… I already have a day job. )

    Zimmerman mn
    Posts: 467

    Mud puppy are a delicasy prime white meat! I’ll take any you catch for $5/per lb. right after someone brings me some fresh 9″ sauger from the home as well:)

    Zimmerman mn
    Posts: 467

    Corrected my mistake “from the hole”

    Mud puppy are a delicasy prime white meat! I’ll take any you catch for $5/per lb. right after someone brings me some fresh 9″ sauger from the hole as well:)

    Posts: 15


    I’m quitting fishing and protesting at the scour hole, with a sign that says “Leave the Vabies alone”

    Shouldn’t the sign say Vabies lives matter? Don’t forget to block off boat traffic and sit in the scour hole and fish. Isn’t that how protests are done now a days? jester

    Posts: 138

    Shouldn’t the sign say Vabies lives matter? Don’t forget to block off boat traffic and sit in the scour hole and fish. Isn’t that how protests are done now a days?


    rotflol rotflol rotflol

    LaCrosse, WI
    Posts: 1960

    Shouldn’t the sign say Vabies lives matter? Don’t forget to block off boat traffic and sit in the scour hole and fish. Isn’t that how protests are done now a days? jester

    You are absolutely right. You sir, could be my campaign manager.

    river rat randy
    Hager City WI
    Posts: 1736

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>wimwuen wrote:</div>

    Shouldn’t the sign say Vabies lives matter? Don’t forget to block off boat traffic and sit in the scour hole and fish. Isn’t that how protests are done now a days? jester

    …PERFECT…Now that’s hah funny.!! laugh rotflol lol … rrr

    Posts: 247

    “I’m just a everyday fisherman not a professional like you guys that know everything so the amount of fish that come out of the hole that died is minimal to the fish that everybody’s keeping down there full of eggs that they are killing but you guys are not crying about that”

    You forgot this to go with your post…

    1. kermit.jpg

    Posts: 247

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>mr. sauger25 wrote:</div>
    I’m no expert but I starting fishing pool 4 10 years ago and this winter by far has been the slowest I’ve ever seen and it isn’t even close maybe the scour hole victims are catching up with the fishery very strange

    If there is not a person who has not seen a slow down in the catch rate of walleye, sauger, crappie, and bluegill on the river from 10 years ago, to the past 3 years(4) raise their hands. Ask any warden on the river. Those of you who have not seen how it was 5, 10, 15, and on years ago,you have not seen the good fishing on the river. How is that striper population going on pool 4? Gone also. I don’t have any idea what’s happening and I may be way off? I think the river is not holding the fish it did in the past?

    I wouldn’t think that the excellent fishing could be sustained for 5-15 years with the constant pressure. Probably a lot of factors. Maybe the fish are just tired of our sh!# and aren’t being cooperative no matter how hard we try. Haha.
    Then again maybe they just moved away and found a new playground.

    I used a camera this winter for the first time, and it was interesting to see a lot of fish but they just wouldn’t bite. They would come and sniff it and be like “yeah, minnows again…NOPE for you buddy!” It was fun to see them though.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    I think the answer is so obvious its embarrassing to say. P4 is a spot everyone can fish walleye all year INSTEAD of the great walleye water it could be and once was. Just another fishery pressured into mediocrity.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Someday we are going out with a camera Mike… but then you haven’t fished P4 in how long? whistling

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    If there is not a person who has not seen a slow down in the catch rate of walleye, sauger, crappie, and bluegill on the river from 10 years ago, to the past 3 years(4) raise their hands.

    The crappie, bluegill and pike are in numbers that are unprecedented in recent times. I have the data to back that up. So I’m raising my hand. )

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    Someday we are going out with a camera Mike… but then you haven’t fished P4 in how long? whistling

    I’ve been waiting for you! grin I know there are a few locations set aside as year round walleye fisheries because apparently its critical for some people to fish them in March and April but it still bothers me from time to time. Especially the one close to me. We used to fish P4 a couple times per summer.
    If it comes back strong I will be the first to cheer and admit the yearly spawning assault has no effect. Standing by.

    In the meantime I think the entire lake has been thrashed as a result of current practices.

    Posts: 2218

    If there is not a person who has not seen a slow down in the catch rate of walleye, sauger, crappie, and bluegill on the river from 10 years ago, to the past 3 years(4) raise their hands.

    The crappie, <strong class=”ido-tag-strong”>bluegill and pike are in numbers that are unprecedented in recent times. I have the data to back that up. So I’m raising my hand. )

    OK. So one person raises their hand. Show the data regarding all the pools (2-10) by breakdown. Thanks.

    Posts: 95

    The fish are there the data proves it. Fisherman are sticking with a the same old tactics, fishing the same old spots, and expecting the same results as yesteryear. That’s insanity. Conditions are always different on the river everyday. Fish are getting smarter and finding new and different spots. The river bottom changes all the time people! Do some research change your style, throw away your old habits and listen to other fisherman and what they tell u.
    Don’t fish the same old way and expect to catch them like u think u “should”! The fish are always biting somewhere! And u can’t catch them on the Internet sitting on your couch complaining about it!!!!

    Evan Pheneger
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 838

    The fish are there the data proves it. Fisherman are sticking with a the same old tactics, fishing the same old spots, and expecting the same results as yesteryear. That’s insanity. Conditions are always different on the river everyday. Fish are getting smarter and finding new and different spots. The river bottom changes all the time people! Do some research change your style, throw away your old habits and listen to other fisherman and what they tell u.
    Don’t fish the same old way and expect to catch them like u think u “should”! The fish are always biting somewhere! And u can’t catch them on the Internet sitting on your couch complaining about it!!!!

    applause applause applause toast

    mr. sauger25
    Posts: 148

    The river is not the same it’s gotten worse every year for the last 10 years. The freeze your but tournament has many great fisherman fishing it and 10lbs win it and only 20 some out of 70 boats caught a legal fish. Lots of 6 to 14 inch fish in the system the average fish use to be 17 inches it was hard to catch fish under 15 inches. Not sure if it has to do with a few bad spawns years ago fishing pressure and limit taking , scour hole fishing. Limits need to be smaller and there should be no fishing by the dam and things may turn around but there are fewer and smaller fish in the system and its clear to see

    Posts: 317

    I agree with you 100% on what your saying. I have noticed the same things. We are not just talking about pool 4 either! Lets see the data pool by pool breakdown like riverruns says.. Oh and by talking and listening to fisherman this winter there are alot of them seeing the same thing riverruns is talking about.
    Technology + Fishing pressure should = lower bag limits period.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Mr. Sauger, do you think the fish aren’t there because the good sticks couldn’t catch them?

    That would be like be saying there aren’t any 50 pound catfish in Pool 4 because I haven’t caught one in a couple years. )

    Riverruns, this thread is about Pool 4. If you contact the DNR’s for your area I’m sure they would be happy to supply the information you’re looking for. I don’t have any clue or information about the areas your speaking of…hence my hand is not raised. LOL!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Buckeye86 wrote:</div>
    The fish are there the data proves it. Fisherman are sticking with a the same old tactics, fishing the same old spots, and expecting the same results as yesteryear. That’s insanity. Conditions are always different on the river everyday. Fish are getting smarter and finding new and different spots. The river bottom changes all the time people! Do some research change your style, throw away your old habits and listen to other fisherman and what they tell u.
    Don’t fish the same old way and expect to catch them like u think u “should”! The fish are always biting somewhere! And u can’t catch them on the Internet sitting on your couch complaining about it!!!!

    applause applause applause toast


    Posts: 317

    I see this thread is about pool 4 and that is some of my area I fish along with other pools also. I see and hear the same complaints from pool 4 to pool 7 is what I was saying.

    I know fish move and things change on the river BUT the fish have always moved and things have always changed on the river that has not just started to happen in the last few years.

    I think most people that do any amount of fishing on the river know things can change sometimes hourly!

    If the DNR estimates fish numbers the same way they do deer I think there WAY off!

    Posts: 6687

    I think it’s crazy the amount of fish in p4 being called a dead Sea…. Then again, that’s because I primarily fish for a species that has fewer fish in the entire state than p4 has walleyes… And when I post about banning harvest everyone is quick to tell me how great the fishing is lol.

    Coming from a guy who has pretty good electronics, knows how to use them and has personally seen some recent underwater footage.. It ain’t no dead Sea by my standards… I clearly don’t have walleye standards figured out though

    Posts: 2218

    Riverruns, this thread is about Pool 4. If you contact the DNR’s for your area I’m sure they would be happy to supply the information you’re looking for. I don’t have any clue or information about the areas your speaking of…hence my hand is not raised. LOL!

    To comment back, How is that striper fishing going and the walleye fishing going and the sauger fishing going up there? I asked for you to show me the data you claim you have and you came back with a LOL? From a Guides perspective and working out of a resort I would expect this for a comment. So show your data for the pools?

    Posts: 1811

    This is something some people dont know, once you have your limit, no more fishing for that kind of fish. there is no catch and release after limit is reached. This as told to by a warden. DK.

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