This was my 59th trip from the U.P. to P-4 since 2001…I feel like its my home away from home and my fav walleye/sauger vacation.
It was a cold rainy Monday, but the fish responded well… I purely toss plastics, hair and some blades. not that other methods aren’t effective…I just am good at these and enjoy fishing this way. Most boats were in good locations but when fishing moving water, angles and boat control/position are very important.
I saw several small males caught near the Dam in the Wisc side…finally getting the right spot to cast and get a good “drift” we started connecting with some nicer eyes, mostly males, with some in the 17-18″ class. The rollers were down to a lesser flow and we downsized to 3/16 oz jigs and darker colors…Pin Shad were busting the surface so a downsized ringworm was my choice in Pro Blue…As boat pressure increased, we slipped downstream, working the current edges and did very well, releasing a 21″ and 22″ Walleye and boxing a mix of 16-17″ Sauger and Eyes for table fare.
Tues morning found several boats camped on the spot we wanted to fish…we worked outside them in deeper current with One Eye spoons and caught a lot of male walleye and sauger, nothing larger than 15″. We had a fish fry planned so a few of thew sauger volunteered to join us for lunch The afternoon picked up steadily and we had a ball! Again matching the Pin Shad, I was down to a 3/32 oz BFT Pyrokeet jig and Shad Mini Paddletail for lots of bites. Had a pig up to the back transom corner where she rolled off…heartbreak
Wednesday was a tough bite for all…falling river levels and flow made for a slow day. All in all another memorable Yooper Excursion to the mighty Miss.
Pictured below are a 28″ 9.2 lber from Paul and a 29″ 9.9 lber from young Mike…both CPRed
Compliments to Evert’s Resort…Chris W, Kelly, Ski and the staff…rooms were spotless, great service and amenities…keep up the good work!
Brain K…I subbed a roaster pan Walleye fillets & Fries to the bait shop in your tradition…in lieu of Spam