Pool 4 advice fishing in August

  • tomr
    cottage grove, mn
    Posts: 1305

    Hi, looking for some pointers fishing pool 4 in August. Walleye searchers were online asking for some volunteers for take a vet fishing and I signed up, my fear is I will be “that guy” who cannot get them on fish. I have never fished pool 4 other than in the spring when anyone can catch a walleye and never below the coleville access. Is it mostly a trolling bite now? Are there fish in the river or better to head out onto lake pepin? I am going down the next couple of weekends to familiarize myself with area and try and put a few fish in the boat to get some confidence going. Thank for any help.

    Posts: 423

    Seen a few taken trolling cranks on the lake, jigs worked as well at the tail end. The best for me this morning was wing dams with crawlers.

    SE MN
    Posts: 5241

    I hate fishing pool 4 this time of year but you will succeed if you go early. Boat traffic is pretty crazy through labor day. Im not much for trolling but that seems to work for guys wanting to cover ground. Pulling spinners with crawlers up river by deer island worked mid day few weeks ago for me. Casting at wingdams is usually good this time of year just bring lots of jigs when you get snagged up. I’ve had luck in the past drop shot rigging crawlers for perch up by Stockholm but have not tried this year with all the high water.

    Elgin, MN
    Posts: 59

    There will be information shared before so that hopefully we get the vets on some fish.

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5151

    I don’t usually fish p4 much in the summer but there is a crank bait bite on wing dams on pools 2 and 3. Dragging crawlers would be the other.

    I’d ping Marty Hahn….he has a guide service down there and is a good guy. My guess is he’d give you some tips given this is a veteran event.

    I don’t know him well but fishes with him once a few years ago.

    This is his website:


    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3544

    This is the time to hire a guide and learn, no use hiring a guide when anyone can go out and catch fish. I know when I would fish with James or Dustin the really tough times is when I would try to get with them.

    Posts: 803

    Pull lead core on the drop offs Hok-Si-La to Long Pt. Then across to the big drop off by the RR tracks. Lead core will do it.

    eyota, mn
    Posts: 599

    Plenty of the searchers will be able to help. Thank you for volunteering your time to give back to the vets!

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