Pool 2 Hidden Falls Access – Heads Up

  • Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6117

    The Hidden Falls access (Park) will be closed tomorrow 6/10/2017 for some kind of event. Plan accordingly!


    Posts: 7348

    Wow, what a great event! I’d be so going if I wasnt heading out of town. Nothing better than having a good time for a good cause. Who wouldn’t want to watch st.paul police vs mpls police, or firefighters, or any others across the river rivalries tug on a rope. Had no idea, thanks for bringing it up even if it was a lil bitter! toast

    Posts: 749

    I commend their event

    Synonyms: praise, applaud, salute.
    I was praising the event.

    My issue is that news organizations should never make news. They should be unabashedly neutral. Back in the day, some news organizations would not allow their reporters to register to vote. They were supposed to be neutral and not risk showing any bias.

    The media is free to use commercial time however they see fit to support whatever agenda, but they should not be using a news segment during a news broadcast as a commercial for themselves.

    And it is a commercial for themselves because it is good PR for the station. The segment is all about selling themselves, journalistic prostitution.

    We should be able to separate the two events. One being a fundraiser, the other being a newscast.
    In simplistic terms.
    The fundraiser, good.
    The faux news segments, bad.

    Posts: 1552

    Do you guys understand English?

    Wow! Looks like someone got skunked this weekend. crazy

    I agree with the others. Looks like a fun event and it’s refreshing to see something worth while on the news besides another shooting or politician that has run amuck.

    Posts: 749

    Wow! Looks like someone got skunked this weekend. crazy

    I agree with the others. Looks like a fun event and it’s refreshing to see something worth while on the news besides another shooting or politician that has run amuck.

    I tried taking that off. Didn’t mean for it to be condescending. Simply wanted to point out that there were two issues at play. One I appreciated from the beginning which seemed to be missed by other posters. The other issue of a newsroom acting as its own shill.

    Sorry, but the ends don’t justify the means.

    Hudson, Wi/Aitkin Co
    Posts: 1450

    Back in the day, some news organizations would not allow their reporters to register to vote. They were supposed to be neutral and not risk showing any bias.

    The old… “Let’s make up our own Constitution trick”. Obviously, news organizations then or now have no authority to dictate anything of the sort.

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