Pool 2 Fall Hog Haul and Get Together.

  • Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6158

    Pool 2 Fall Hog Haul and Get Together.

    Come join us for the Annual Fall Hog Haul at Lions Levee park on Saturday Oct 5th 2024. This will be a fun and friendly catch, photo, release contest followed with a pot luck cook out on the island at Lions levee park.

    Fishing contest info and rules:

    Take off and Finish: Lion’s Levee landing, St Paul Park, MN. Pool 2, Mississippi River.

    Date: Saturday Oct, 5th 2024

    Contest Time: 8am to 2pm.
    Entry fee: $25 per person with an Optional $5 per person for big fish pot.
    Boats: Contest is limited to 25 boats.
    Teams: In trying to make this a fun, social contest we allow both 2 person and 3 person teams.


    Registration is the morning of the contest.

    We will have a table set up for this at the landing. Sign in your team members. Pay entry fee for team and receive control item and boat sheet for recording fish measurements. A quick rules meeting will be held 7:30am in the park on the island. I will be set up at the park by 7am for registration.

    Teams will need to provide their own camera/phone and fish measuring board for this event. Cameras/phone need to have a display so fish photos can be verified at end of contest. Winning teams will need to email all photos to tournament judge.

    Launch time is at 8am and will be a shot gun start. Boats will stage on the river side of the island as directed for take off. Please use caution during take off. Larger boats watch out for smaller boats. Smaller boats please heed way to larger boats taking off.

    Fishing time ends at 2pm. All boats will need to be back to Lions levee and boat sheets turned in by 220pm. Fish caught after 2pm will not count and are not to be recorded on the boat sheet.

    All size walleyes, saugers or saugeyes count as legal fish for the contest. There is no size limit for this contest.

    All fish must be caught by legal MN fishing methods. Illegally caught or kept fish will be disqualified.


    All fish that are entered in the contest will need to have a length measurement and photo verification of the fish using the following method:

    Fish measurement and recording. Fish measurements are to be taken with the nose of fish touching 0 end of measuring board. The fish tail will need to be pinched and centered on the other end of the measuring board. Take measurement to the nearest 1/4 inch. Record this measurement on the provided boat sheet. There is no limit to the number of fish that can be recorded.

    Photo record. The fish needs to be on the fish ruler with head touching 0 side and pinched tail touching the center of the ruler visible on the other side. Both ends of the fish and control item need to be visible in photo. Photos of winning teams fish will need to be presented to judges on Saturday for verification. Winning teams will need to email all photos to tournament judge.

    Each team will need to provide their own camera/phone and fish measuring board for the event. Please make sure cameras/phones are fully charged and in good working order before contest.

    At the end of the contest each team will need to total up their 5 longest fish and add this measurement to the team total space at the bottom of boat sheet. If needed please circle the 5 fish used for the total length measurement. Boat sheets need to be turned into judges by 220pm at Lion Levee. We will be located on the island at the park across from the landing. The top teams will need to present their fish photos to the judges at this time for verification. You must have photos to win. The big fish will be verified at this time also. Award presentation will follow.

    Any disputes will be handled by the judges. Any ties in measurements will be broken by the team with the largest recorded fish or coin toss if needed.

    Top three places will be paid as follows.
    1st place… 50%
    2nd place… 30%
    3rd place… 20% of entry fees collected.

    Big fish winner gets 100% of big fish entry fees.

    Please practice good sportsmanship and safe boating practices. Wearing of life jackets is encouraged at all times and is required while on plane.

    Judges will be Mike Westman and Jon Jordan Please feel free to contact Mike or me with any questions or problems during the contest.

    Please reply to this post with the team member names. This will help speed along the morning sign up.

    The weigh in and Get Together are open for everyone, fishing or not. Hope to have a big pot luck and fish fry again.

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5589

    Thanks for posting this Jon, can’t wait! I’ll be there for the potluck/get-together and will bring some baked goods and a fun door prize to give away! woot

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 1372

    If the bite stays this good, it will be quite a slug-fest.

    Pool 2
    Posts: 1826

    If the bite stays this good, it will be quite a slug-fest.

    I am hoping for cooler water. The forecast here is not showing this to be the case though. I usually welcome the shift in the bite just for some change soon. I dont think thats going to happen soon anyways.

    Also, I do think the high water late into July made a huge difference on P2 this year with numbers!! Generally we see high water early in the year. Well before the bugs move up or emerge into pre-hatch age. This year was different. We had a super late flood right when bugs were moving and preparing for hatch. This just means there is more food in pool 2 than what was left in the Minnesota river. Maybe more fish than usual spent the summer down here on pool 2 as a result? Numbers have been great. I cant even tell people or sound like a lunatic.

    I am curious if you guys on the Minnesota river or even upper stretch by Lilly Dale have seen a difference in #s this year +/-.

    Posts: 1795

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>JasonP wrote:</div>
    If the bite stays this good, it will be quite a slug-fest.

    I am hoping for cooler water. The forecast here is not showing this to be the case though. I usually welcome the shift in the bite just for some change soon. I dont think thats going to happen soon anyways.

    Also, I do think the high water late into July made a huge difference on P2 this year with numbers!! Generally we see high water early in the year. Well before the bugs move up or emerge into pre-hatch age. This year was different. We had a super late flood right when bugs were moving and preparing for hatch. This just means there is more food in pool 2 than what was left in the Minnesota river. Maybe more fish than usual spent the summer down here on pool 2 as a result? Numbers have been great. I cant even tell people or sound like a lunatic.

    I am curious if you guys on the Minnesota river or even upper stretch by Lilly Dale have seen a difference in #s this year +/-.

    Don’t fish the MN but upper p2 has been very consistent. Lots of fish. Some better size structure than in years past. Biggest thing though is that I haven’t had a single poor day fishing. Seems like I always find a stinker or 2 at some point but not this year. And it’s not because I’m getting better at this! jester

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5589

    Contest is less than 3 weeks from now! Isn’t anyone going to sign up? wave toast

    Mike Otis
    Posts: 73

    I’m in! Mike Otis and Ben Cesar.

    Lucky for you guys, this river rookie hasn’t been fishing a whole lot since I became a dad a year ago. It definitely means that someone else has a shot at catching biggest drum. I’m looking at you Joe.

    I’ll also bring a side or two for the fish fry.

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6158

    Dave B, Joel E and myself are fishing again this year. Have a few other messages from guys saying they are also planning to fish.


    Pool 2
    Posts: 1826

    Mike, we down for 5 bucks again? I am not going to take it easy on you this year. haha!! Need me a 15 pounder.

    Mike Otis
    Posts: 73

    Haha! 5 bucks per angler it is! Bring your A-game buddy, they don’t call me the big drum for no reason.

    Pool 2
    Posts: 1826

    Haha! 5 bucks per angler it is! Bring your A-game buddy, they don’t call me the big drum for no reason.

    Then a bet it is!!

    John Nesse and I are fishing it again this year. So we have the pot up to 20.00 now.

    If anyone else wants to join the drum side pot let us know!!

    Pool 2
    Posts: 1826

    Jon, a new team asked me to have you write them in for fishing.

    Jordan Meuleners and Matthew James will be fishing. Count them in.

    Posts: 51

    I’ll be joining this year with a 3 person team. Myself Nick S, Cody E. and Kyle T. Looking forward to it.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12734

    Sure wish this did not fall on my fall Leech lake trip. It sounds like a fun one to attend. Even if not fishing. Hope to catch one of these in the future. Good luck to all who are fishing it.

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6158

    Use this thread for the 2024 contest. Looking forward to seeing everyone Saturday. toast


    Posts: 9321

    Always a great time. Good luck everyone! But even more luck to Jon, Dave and Joel. hah

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 2586

    Looking forward to fishing this with Joe. Thanks, Jon and Mike!

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4554

    Always a great time. Good luck everyone! But even more luck to Jon, Dave and Joel. hah

    We NEED luck! Time on the water has been few and far between for the best looking team the hog haul.

    Posts: 2

    We are excited to be participating!

    I have a group of friends joining the fun.


    Here are our groups for registration.

    Boat #1 Cody Reardon, Zach Peterson, Luke Smith

    Boat #2 Chase Reardon, Connor Reardon

    Boat #3 Tim Nguyen, Jack Eide

    Looking forward to meeting everyone!

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5589

    Good luck fellas! Hopefully the wind calms down a bit. See you all at the potluck! toast

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13432

    Wow. Now that’s a win.

    Beast fish photo coming.

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6158

    I am getting results up for you guys to check out. I’ll get all the photos up when I get them. Congrats to Joe Busch and John Nesse (buschman and john23) for taking down the Back to Back (2023 & 2024) wins and Big Fish Honors. They were humble scoring that fish at 30 3/4. Clearly scores as a 31 per the round up rule. A Hog Haul record and certainly the biggest pool 2 walleye I have personally ever seen!

    It was an pleasure to chat fishing with The Griz after weigh in. A highlight of my year!


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    Posts: 2071

    Damn does the Buschman do any guiding?! Nice fish .

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18993

    30 3/4 incher is a trophy caliber fish. Well done.

    Looks like a good event overall too.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11126

    30.75 Very Impressive!!!
    Nice job guys toast

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5589

    Always a great time chatting and visiting! Congrats to the winners! toast

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    Pool 2
    Posts: 1826

    Big thanks to Jon for running this event and having us. And to Sharon for bringing treats!!

    Saturday was a tough day to fish. When we have low flow like this a big south wind can really change the wingdam fishing and water color. Good job to all for getting fish on the board!!

    Pool 2
    Posts: 1826

    Damn does the Buschman do any guiding?! Nice fish .

    Nope! I tried but my 6 packs license got revoked. Said it was not the correct license to guide the river. I agreed to disagreed and here we are. haha..

    1. 6-pack.jpg

    St. Paul MN
    Posts: 1944

    This is always a great event, I’ve done it 5 times I think over the years but haven’t made it recently. Looks like on the big fish, everything was coming up aces. Or maybe Joe and John had an ace up their sleeve? Definitely an ace in the hole!

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