Pool 2 Fall Hog Haul and Get Together.

  • buschman
    Pool 2
    Posts: 1826

    Another year in the books!! We lucked out with good weather and was nice to see a good group make it out this year.

    Fishing was unique. I dont think I can remember a year with so many 17-18 inch fish and so few fish over 20 inches. That will all change in a couple weeks. Those big girls are in there but not sure what they were doing this last week.

    Here is a photo of the 26 that took big fish. This was a super old fish. Looked like she was on her last year. I will see if I can get the balance of the photos from John and post them up here today.

    Thanks again for everyone that attended and to Jon and Mike for the extra work you guys do to keep this one going.

    Pool 2
    Posts: 1826

    Not sure why but I cannot get photos to load up?? I will try again in a bit.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13406

    A few of our photos from the contest.

    1. IMG_20231009_165656.jpg

    2. IMG_20231009_165703.jpg

    3. IMG_20231009_165724.jpg

    4. IMG_20231009_165730.jpg

    5. IMG_20231009_165813.jpg

    6. IMG_20231009_165743.jpg

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5731

    So anyone experiment with two lines?

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5175

    Great time out there…been a couple years since I participated but it’s always a good time.

    I’m surprised we took second place with 99”…as Buschman said there are a ton of nice 17-20” fish but the bigs have had lockjaw recently. I’ll bet as the water cools the feed bag comes on.

    Thanks Mike and John…appreciate you guys putting on the event.

    Woodbury, MN
    Posts: 957

    Here’s the fish photos from the second place team of Matt Moen, Jason Papenfuss, and Dan Zillig.

    1. 1950-scaled.jpg

    2. 1800-scaled.jpg

    3. 2000-scaled.jpg

    4. 2100-scaled.jpg

    5. 2075-scaled.jpg

    Woodbury, MN
    Posts: 957

    Thanks Mike and Jon for running the contest and thanks to the sponsors for the door prizes. We caught about 15 walleye total. We trolled some sand and rocks and also pitched cranks and plastics on wing dams.

    Woodbury, MN
    Posts: 957

    So anyone experiment with two lines?

    While my partners were pitching cranks on the wing dams, I was pitching Dubuque rigs with a jig and plastic for the dropper and a sucker minnow or stick bait on the trailer. I never caught a fish on the trailer all day. But typically during the summer months when I’m using a crawler or leech on the trailer, that’s where I catch 75% of my fish. My partners out fished me 2:1 or better using cranks.

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5569

    Love the photo of Bear in the boat! He’s such a lovable boy! laugh

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6140

    Love the photo of Bear in the boat! He’s such a lovable boy! laugh

    Looks like he wanted to jump over to Mike’s boat for the day! jester


    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 2586

    Here are our pics. The 26” was definitely on its way out. Check out those crazy bulging eyeballs. We caught quite a few 17-18” fish. Between that and all the bait I have to believe the river is in great shape right now!

    1. IMG_8922-scaled.jpeg

    2. IMG_8929-scaled.jpeg

    3. IMG_8944-scaled.jpeg

    4. IMG_8934-scaled.jpeg

    5. IMG_8948-scaled.jpeg

    6. IMG_8936-scaled.jpeg

    7. IMG_8937-scaled.jpeg

    8. IMG_8938-scaled.jpeg

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13406

    Great contest guys. Was thinking whoever got lucky enough to find a big fish sure had a shot at winning the contest. Three way tie for third was interesting to. Good job on the win.

    Chet Davenport
    Posts: 4

    I’ll be there! I’m as of now doing it alone but it’s very (hopefully) possible I’ll have someone else to fish with.

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