Pool 2 Fall Hog Haul and Get Together.

  • Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6140

    Pool 2 Fall Hog Haul and Get Together.

    Come join us for the Annual Fall Hog Haul at Lions Levee park on Saturday Oct 7th 2023. This will be a fun and friendly catch, photo, release contest followed with a pot luck cook out on the island at Lions levee park.

    Fishing contest info and rules:

    Take off and Finish: Lion’s Levee landing, St Paul Park, MN. Pool 2, Mississippi River.

    Date: Saturday Oct, 7th 2023

    Contest Time: 8am to 2pm.
    Entry fee: $25 per person with an Optional $5 per person for big fish pot.
    Boats: Contest is limited to 25 boats.
    Teams: In trying to make this a fun, social contest we allow both 2 person and 3 person teams.


    Registration is the morning of the contest.

    We will have a table set up for this at the landing. Sign in your team members. Pay entry fee for team and receive control item and boat sheet for recording fish measurements. A quick rules meeting will be held 7:30am in the park on the island. I will be set up at the park by 7am for registration.

    Teams will need to provide their own camera/phone and fish measuring board for this event. Cameras/phone need to have a display so fish photos can be verified at end of contest. Winning teams will need to email all photos to tournament judge.

    Launch time is at 8am and will be a shot gun start. Boats will stage on the river side of the island as directed for take off. Please use caution during take off. Larger boats watch out for smaller boats. Smaller boats please heed way to larger boats taking off.

    Fishing time ends at 2pm. All boats will need to be back to Lions levee and boat sheets turned in by 220pm. Fish caught after 2pm will not count and are not to be recorded on the boat sheet.

    All size walleyes, saugers or saugeyes count as legal fish for the contest. There is no size limit for this contest.

    All fish must be caught by legal MN fishing methods. Illegally caught or kept fish will be disqualified.


    All fish that are entered in the contest will need to have a length measurement and photo verification of the fish using the following method:

    Fish measurement and recording. Fish measurements are to be taken with the nose of fish touching 0 end of measuring board. The fish tail will need to be pinched and centered on the other end of the measuring board. Take measurement to the nearest 1/4 inch. Record this measurement on the provided boat sheet. There is no limit to the number of fish that can be recorded.

    Photo record. The fish needs to be on the fish ruler with head touching 0 side and pinched tail touching the center of the ruler visible on the other side. Both ends of the fish and control item need to be visible in photo. Photos of winning teams fish will need to be presented to judges on Saturday for verification. Winning teams will need to email all photos to tournament judge.

    Each team will need to provide their own camera/phone and fish measuring board for the event. Please make sure cameras/phones are fully charged and in good working order before contest.

    At the end of the contest each team will need to total up their 5 longest fish and add this measurement to the team total space at the bottom of boat sheet. If needed please circle the 5 fish used for the total length measurement. Boat sheets need to be turned into judges by 220pm at Lion Levee. We will be located on the island at the park across from the landing. The top teams will need to present their fish photos to the judges at this time for verification. You must have photos to win. The big fish will be verified at this time also. Award presentation will follow.

    Any disputes will be handled by the judges. Any ties in measurements will be broken by the team with the largest recorded fish or coin toss if needed.

    Top three places will be paid as follows.
    1st place… 50%
    2nd place… 30%
    3rd place… 20% of entry fees collected.

    Big fish winner gets 100% of big fish entry fees.

    Please practice good sportsmanship and safe boating practices. Wearing of life jackets is encouraged at all times and is required while on plane.

    Judges will be Mike Westman and Jon Jordan Please feel free to contact Mike or me with any questions or problems during the contest.

    Please reply to this post with the team member names. This will help speed along the morning sign up.

    The weigh in and Get Together are open for everyone, fishing or not. Hope to have a big pot luck and fish fry again.

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5569

    Thanks for posting this Jon, can’t wait! woot I’ll be there for the potluck/get-together and I’ll bring an assortment of baked goods! Any requests besides my popular cinnamon apple bread and ginger cookies?

    Woodbury, MN
    Posts: 957

    All fish must be caught by legal MN fishing methods. Only one line per person. Illegally caught or kept fish will be disqualified.

    Still only one line or we can use two since two are now legal on P2?

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6140

    All fish must be caught by legal MN fishing methods. Only one line per person. Illegally caught or kept fish will be disqualified.

    Still only one line or we can use two since two are now legal on P2?

    Good Catch! No, 2 lines are permitted. I have updated the post.


    Posts: 1122

    Have you guys considered using the FishDonkey app for this? I think it works great, especially for those doing the admin work.
    Just a friendly suggestion.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13406

    Have you guys considered using the FishDonkey app for this? I think it works great, especially for those doing the admin work.
    Just a friendly suggestion.

    I have but my computer skills are very limited. If they where any more limited I would have guys drawing pictures of their fish.

    Posts: 542

    I’ll be there, rain or shine!

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5569

    Did some test baking this weekend to make sure I bake the perfect loaf of my cinnamon apple bread for the potluck!! mrgreen

    1. sharons-cinnamon-apple-bread.jpg

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6757

    Did some test baking this weekend to make sure I bake the perfect loaf of my cinnamon apple bread for the potluck!!

    Something must be wrong with my phone, I just looked again and didn’t see an invite to be a taste tester. shock

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5569

    Something must be wrong with my phone, I just looked again and didn’t see an invite to be a taste tester.

    LOL I guess you’ll just have to come to the potluck!! mrgreen rotflol

    Posts: 231

    Bummer for me. The Gophers host Michigan that day (long time season ticket owner). Was looking forward to learning a few things from the Pool 2 river rats! Row the Boat!

    Posts: 2853

    Jim save yourself the disappointment and go fishing.

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5731

    I guess I’m out. Good luck boys.


    Dave maze
    Posts: 1073

    I leave for Idaho that Saturday so I’m out. Good luck out there!

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13406

    Getting closer for this event all the time. Got some nice prizes coming in from BfishN tackle and Scheels so far. Looking forward to seeing everyone there.

    Posts: 329

    With the river being low, how is it getting in and out of the access?

    St. Paul MN
    Posts: 1928

    I got a wedding, otherwise I’d be there. It’s a great event, if anyone is in town they should definitely show up and fish it!

    Pool 2
    Posts: 1826

    I got a wedding, otherwise I’d be there. It’s a great event, if anyone is in town they should definitely show up and fish it!

    Who gets married when there are fishing contest to attend.

    I will be there Mike. Believe it will be John23 and I this year.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13406

    With the river being low, how is it getting in and out of the access?

    I have not been out on 2 since March but guessing from past low water years the landings are still good. Hope to be out Thursday or Friday before the contest and will see if there is any issues.

    Pool 2
    Posts: 1826

    Mike, no issue at the launch.

    I have not been out there much the last few weeks but know what Chad is talking about.. Zero current the last time I was down there. ZERO! Kinda crazy but seems to be par for the course the last few years. Hopefully we get enough rain in the next week here to get a little water moving.

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5569

    I stopped by Lion’s this afternoon and took some pictures. The new staircase looks nice and I’m super duper excited for the new porta-potty!! waytogo

    Edit: pictures aren’t loading.

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5569

    Trying again!

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5731

    You should get your Dad to help you.


    SE Metro
    Posts: 5569

    LOL must be related to the update Dave is doing this weekend. ???

    I tried both my phone and laptop to post pics and nadda. I posted the pics on my Facebook.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13406

    Should of got your dad to help Sharon. I’ll give it a try.

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    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13406

    Nice to see that all fixed up at the park.

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5569

    Thanks Mike for posting them! I guess it was just me! hah

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13406

    Got the trophy board updated. Lot of great sticks on that board. My team is looking for a repeat win this year but low water walleyes are not my strong game. Low water 2 falls ago Eric and I came in with only 2 fish.

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    2. 20230927_173434-scaled.jpg

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13406

    Fish fry after the contest is a go again this year. Who’s got fish? Think I have one pike to contribute.

    Posts: 5305

    My plans changed, pretty sure ill be there w another past ido member.

    Have a couple packs of leech overs from last fall, those big flakes make for some good walleye cakes

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