Not a lot of fish but the biggest one!
Thanks again Jon…really appreciate you pulling this together. I’d be willing to help with some planning next year.
October 6, 2018 at 10:19 pm
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Fishing Tournament HQ » Walleye Tournament HQ » Pool 2 Fall Hawg Haul 2018
Not a lot of fish but the biggest one!
Thanks again Jon…really appreciate you pulling this together. I’d be willing to help with some planning next year.
Here are the results for top 3 teams:
First Place team Kendall, Matt and Marty. Scoring a 129.25 bag. Backing up a 2015 win. And just short of a tourney record. Nice job.
Second Place team Drew, Phil and Laura. Scoring a nice 124.5 bag. That score beats their first place win in 2012 and wins a lot of years with that length
Third Place team Joe and John. Scoring a 119.75 bag. Another nice bag! You guys are always in the hunt for First.
Big fish team Matt and Tyler. Big Fish 28 incher! Always fun to stick a big one when it counts!
With the 2-3 team format we had 11 teams with 26 paid entries. All in the big fish pot. The payouts were:
1st $325
2nd $240
3rd $85
BF $130
Fun day fishing and good to see all of the Pool 2 guys again. Great kickoff to what is looking like a great fall bite!
Also, special thanks to JT Outdoors for the awesome Hoodie and Cap! These were raffled at weigh in!
Here is our 129.25″ total. We didn’t catch a lot of fish but just caught the right ones. Special thanks to Jon for putting this on.
Dave – Those white castle burgers were sure tasty and took the chill off before take off
I assume the playing cards are how teams are identified?
Nice job guys.
I couldnt decide between White Castle or donuts, but Castles won out.
Strangely, all the big weights came from those who grabbed a few…coincidence? I doubt it!!!
Good to see you all!
The playing cards are the “control” object given at random to each team. When fish are photographed you stick them in the pic to show that the photos and fish are from the day of the contest.
Dave, I know those white castles gave me some good fish fighting fuel, thanks for bringing them!!!
Dave, the castles were a great idea!! thanks again. That was one of the better breakfast snacks that I have had in a while.
Thanks Jon for keeping this going.. I can try to help next year if you guys need something. I can collect some door prizes if Dave brings castles again. haha!! I will put a few photos up in a bit when I get them over to my computer.
I thought we had a chance this year if we could have got one more upgrade.. Then we seen the scores above us and don’t think it would have mattered!!! You guys killed it. Nice scores!
Here are a couple photos that I have. John has the balance of photos. Again, I was good to see you guys again and look forward to next year.
Photos for Laura, Phil and Drew.
Thank you Jon for running with it this year. Like everyone else said, it was good to see familiar faces.
Jon – if you want any help next year, let me know.
Here are the measurement pics for Joe and me. Turns out we screwed up and didn’t include the cards in the pic of our 27″. We caught it late in the day so we were a little excited, I guess. Fortunately we had a second 22.5″ so it didn’t affect the tourney outcome (with the 22.5″ we had 115.25 total). I apologize regardless!
Thanks, Jon, for organizing a fun event for us!! And thanks again to Dave for the lucky White Castles!
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