Pool 2

  • fishdale
    Posts: 406

    I was out Sunday mixed bag of walleye, Bass, Sheep, Crappies, Carp, Channels and a Flathead. Cranks and Jig and minnow. Biggest eye was 21. Was out solo trying out the new Ipilot I installed on the trolling motor. I love it sure beats a foot pedal.

    If anyone found my prescription sun glasses in the Lillydale ramp parking lot let me know would love to get them back. Heck I will trade anyone any rod/reel combo in the boat to get them back. Ended up being a expensive trip.

    Posts: 6

    Last weekend was super busy for sure. Still failing most trips though… I target the area around my house in Newport. South of 494, north of grey cloud. Maybe that’s my problem. I’ve upgraded my boat, so now I can cover much more water in the short free time I can get.
    Also, anyone know where to find minnows south of 494?

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4547

    Blue Ribbon Bait in Oakdale, is that the closest? I think there is a place in St Paul off Rice just north of Frogtown too. Is isn’t the easiest finding minnow, I usually invite a friend of mine from south of town and tell him to grab some.

    Most pool 2 guys on your stretch of river just use an inch or two of crawler on a jig instead of minnows.

    I will be going out of Hidden Falls tomorrow morning just dragging cranks around.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13394

    Seem to remember Super America in South st paul has them a mile or so north of 494 landing on concord. I bet the quick trip right next to the landing has crawlers and maybe leaches. There is also a small bait shop right next to the meat market in that areaq that used to carry minnows. Think I seen his sign still up this summer. Ryan Rempke might be another choice. They trap minnows on the river and has a minnow license or something from the state.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13394

    I see pool 2 downtown St Paul is predicted to go up close to 4′ in the next week.

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6134

    Water is on the way up! woot


    1. Pool2-Aug18.png

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 1709

    I think there is a place in St Paul off Rice just north of Frogtown too.

    That place is called Kathy’s Live Bait. FWIW I bought crappie minnows there last summer and they were some of the worst I’ve seen. Could’ve been a fluke.

    I rarely use live bait on the river. I’ll go out of my way to find minnows to tip my jigs in the early spring but that’s it. Otherwise jig/plastic or cranks.

    Water is on the way up!

    Welcome news — the bite hasn’t been bad, but change keeps things interesting. The river can become like a whole different body of water in the span of a couple days during a big shift in water levels. I enjoy the challenge of making adjustments and adapting, which I haven’t had to do much of this summer. Now watch me get skunked this weekend!

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13394

    Yep. That slow increase in water should just move those fish closer to the banks and maybe side channels. Good chance for you guys fishing the confluence and above this will pick up the trolling bite if there isnt to much junk in the water.

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4547

    Yep. That slow increase in water should just move those fish closer to the banks and maybe side channels. Good chance for you guys fishing the confluence and above this will pick up the trolling bite if there isnt to much junk in the water.


    Posts: 7348

    Alot of crap was floating down last night above St.anthony.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 1709

    Alot of crap was floating down last night above St.anthony.

    be interesting to see how much of it makes it down past 2 dams into p2. Earlier this year when the water was higher I could barely pull a shad rap for 2 minutes without fouling. we’ll see!

    Posts: 6

    The bait shop by the 494 landing near Concord is closed down. Blue ribbon is great but out of my way by a good amount. They should relocate closer to water.

    Maybe I’ll get out Monday if my Sunday night work shift isn’t bad.

    Keep us posted on weekend success.

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5176

    Nicollet ace hardware on 54th and diamond lake has bait….a bit of a drive from 494 but if you are launching near the dam it’s a good spot.

    Good advice in plumbing issues, too!

    Posts: 54

    Ace Hardware in IGH sells bait year-round. It’s only 5 minutes from the 494 launch.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 1709

    Nicollet ace hardware on 54th and diamond lake has bait….a bit of a drive from 494 but if you are launching near the dam it’s a good spot.

    Good advice in plumbing issues, too!

    This is where I go if I need live bait. They carry a good variety including big suckers. I wish they kept their leeches in an aerated tank instead of the fridge but beggars can’t be choosers! They also carry a small selection of tackle that isn’t bad — including Bfishjn jigs, both h20 and the dragging style.

    Posts: 7348

    Where do they keep leeches in tanks?

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 1709

    Where do they keep leeches in tanks?

    tutt’s in Garrison does, probably a few others. maybe they would’ve been just as good from a fridge, but those were the best leaches i’ve ever had. i’m not all that experienced with live bait to be honest. i’m sure the fridge is AOK if you turn them every so often.

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5176

    The key is changing the water everyday. Places like everts keep them in plastic containers but they change the water. Most places don’t change the water so they die quickly if they get warm at all.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 1709

    LOTS of crud throughout the water column in upper pool 2 today. Made pulling cranks nearly impossible, just couldn’t keep them clean at any depth for any length of time. The flow was up more noticeably than the water level — still plenty of spots running 4-6ft.

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4547

    I think I saw you around 10:15am passing Hidden Falls. We had the get off the water early so I could get my dogs groomed. doah It was slow for us, about 10 fish, all small.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 1709

    I think I saw you around 10:15am passing Hidden Falls. We had the get off the water early so I could get my dogs groomed. doah It was slow for us, about 10 fish, all small.

    That would’ve been about the time I gave up pulling cranks and motored up to the dam. Were you jigging for the fish you caught?

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4547

    No, crank baits. Even the catfish were hitting them. peace

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 1709

    No, crank baits. Even the catfish were hitting them. peace

    Care to share how you were keeping your lines free of grass and leaves?!

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4547

    Don’t fish in the grass and leaves. I think I saw you post a few weeks ago that walleye catching had slowed down for you. One thing I saw on here YEARS ago was that once the water temps heat up the oxygen levels fall so look for the fastest moving water, that is where the most oxygen/food and consequently walleye will be. This is extremely east on Pool 2, just look for where they dump rocks on the shore to prevent erosion. If you find some secondary structure or differences too, then game on.

    That said, we were still picking up some stuff grass and twigs. But it wasn’t nearly as bad as the early season slower moving water areas that we just scoped out and barely dropped a line into because they were full of debris.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 1709

    Honestly it’s been on the end off for me all year. But had one of my best days last weekend when the water was still low. When you say east, do you mean eastern end of the river down toward the Hastings dam? Or Eastern shorelines?

    On Saturday we trolled the shorelines from Pike Island up to hidden Falls on both sides, against and with the current, and couldn’t keep our cranks clean for more than a few minutes at any time. We trolled different cranks from 5 feet to 15 feet deep, same results.

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4547

    Lol, i meant “easy” not “east”. Sorry about that!!!

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5176

    Agree with daveb…look for current right now. I’ll even stop and cast those spots or drag jigs through them.

    Summer time can be hit or miss if it’s warm and low flow..still the best metro walleye fishery imho.

    Also, I’ve had it with catfish this summer. Never caught so many and I think they are a walleye every time.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 1709

    Lol, i meant “easy” not “east”. Sorry about that!!!

    Makes way more sense now!

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