Pontoon Boat for tubing/skiing

  • Chad Luebker
    Annandale, MN
    Posts: 407

    Hello Everyone,

    We have thought about upgrading our pontoon so we could take the kids tubing/skiing. The tri-toons with a 150 have a hefty price tag but would I regret going with a twin tune and a 90 or 115? Will it get the job done? Also, does anyone have any first hand experience with the new Larson Escape pontoons? They look nice but that doesn’t mean the perform well. Any advice on tubing with a pontoon? Thanks!


    leroy golden
    Posts: 48

    I have a 25ft with a 125 merc be ready to buy a lot of gas compared to my 19 ft Lund with a130 Honda

    Posts: 24

    I have a 31′ triton with a 250 pro xs. My neighbor has a 25′ standard pontoon with a 90 merc. I def recommend the tritoon. The performance is night and day differance. I am well aware a good amount would be so to the differance in motor but the way the boat handles in the turns (when whipping) is much better with a tritoon. It also take off out of the hole much better when pulling skiers.

    Dayton, MN
    Posts: 742

    I have a 31′ triton with a 250 pro xs. My neighbor has a 25′ standard pontoon with a 90 merc. I def recommend the tritoon. The performance is night and day differance. I am well aware a good amount would be so to the differance in motor but the way the boat handles in the turns (when whipping) is much better with a tritoon. It also take off out of the hole much better when pulling skiers.

    You take it on any bigger lakes? Curious how the tritoon handles the really rough waters when it’s windy.

    Red wing,mn
    Posts: 1632

    we have a 22′ bennington tri toon with a 250 Yamaha and run it on the missippi river on the busiest of days and weekends and hand the large waves, and rough lake pepin, rides very smooth! never have had any problems with it being to rough out, its our go to boat!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Gregory, that wasn’t you that passed me while I was doing 30 mph near Everts last year was it? )

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506

    Wouldn’t it be cheaper to buy a reasonbly priced ski boat (less that 10K) than to buy a tri-toon with a big motor (easily over 20K)? And keep your present pontoon.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    Wouldn’t it be cheaper to buy a reasonbly priced ski boat (less that 10K) than to buy a tri-toon with a big motor (easily over 20K)? And keep your present pontoon.

    But then you have two boats to store and maintain.

    Red wing,mn
    Posts: 1632

    probably, 30 she drags to much gotta bump here up a little bit toast

    Doug Ledlie
    Southern Iowa
    Posts: 6

    I’ve got a 26′ Playcraft Powertoon which is a tritoon that has the 350 mag 300hp chevy i/o. Absolutely love it. Easily pulls kids on tubes and skiing although doesn’t turn on a dime like a ski boat. Top speed around 55mph with very light load. Have had 12 adults on it able to cruise at 40 mph while grilling steak kabobs (had to prove I could). Have owned many boats and this by far handles the roughest water the easiest. Only problem is trying to dock or load in higher winds the thing isn’t very aerodynamic! My dad has a 22′ Manitou tritoon with 150 merc 4 stroke and its an amazing boat too just tops out around 35 mph which is still hauling the mail for a tooner. For a family/pleasure boat i will never own anything different. Depending on what condition you want I bought mine fairly used for under 15k but interior was a little worn. Just had seats redone this winter and with new flooring and all will still be well under 20k invested.

    Posts: 24

    I have had it on Lake Superior with friends for a few concerts out of Duluth. We would venture out on the big lake and have never had any issues. Now, getting back on the trailer is a different story. I no longer trailer it as much as I used to do to that.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    I’ve got a 26′ Playcraft Powertoon which is a tritoon that has the 350 mag 300hp chevy i/o.

    Pics!!! peace

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    Seen this one at the boat show with 3 300hp motors and a near $200,000.00 price tag, it should do the trick….you’re welcome

    1. dodici-310-560px.jpg

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    Seen this one at the boat show with 3 300hp motors and a near $200,000.00 price tag, it should do the trick….you’re welcome

    LOL, my BIL sent me a pic of that one from the boat show, too!

    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974

    Saw this by Wilmar and thought it would make a nice hairdryer for ma

    1. image13.jpeg

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