Pond Bass

  • mplspug
    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    So have been fishing that “pond” and have yet to catch anything on anything but a plastic worm. I am sure I will be finding some bedding bass over the course of the next month or so and I know slowly work plastics will be the ticket there (besides live shiners).

    So what’s my question? Just wondering if anyone wants to throw out suggestions. I know I want to pick up some new swimbaits.

    Plastics really seem to be the go to on these ponds and I think I need to avoid the spinnerbaits. I’ve used topwater, spinnerbaits and cranks with no luck, I don’t know if the fish in these ponds are more easily spooked and finicky.

    I definitely want to throw a carolina rig. There is basically no structure beyond matted grass on the bottom, a storm sewer and clam beds. I could basically chuck the rig almost across the pond and work the entire thing with a carolina rig.

    What say you?

    Gregg Pfeifer
    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 889

    I find it hard to beat a plastic worm on the ponds I fish, especially a Yum Dinger. Throw it out and let it do it’s own thing. The less I try to move it the better. If you find shallow matted grass frogs can be a blast at times. If you haven’t tried it yet I started successfully playing with Gamukatsu drop-shot rigs last year – still using a finesse Havoc worm but a different way to present it. I get an occasional chaser using spinnerbaits, cranks, etc but they seem to catch on to that too fast and after the first fish or two then nada. Ponds here too have too much matted grass on the bottom so anything touching bottom fouls up too fast.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    It’s definitely finesse fishing. Come to think of it, I think my only bites have come from dead sticking (once) and on the initial fall.

    There is no matted grass on top.

    You may be right about not being able to use a carolina rig. I just assumed that the rest of the pond is pretty clear once you get away from the shore. I guess I’ll find out.

    I think I really need to key in on long cast and slow dragging on the bottom.

    Gregg Pfeifer
    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 889

    It’s definitely finesse fishing. Come to think of it, I think my only bites have come from dead sticking (once) and on the initial fall.

    There is no matted grass on top.

    You may be right about not being able to use a carolina rig. I just assumed that the rest of the pond is pretty clear once you get away from the shore. I guess I’ll find out.

    I think I really need to key in on long cast and slow dragging on the bottom.

    I’d highly recommend trying that dropshot, there’s something about that worm suspended in front of pond bass they can only resist so long before committing. Play with the length of the drop until you find how far off the bottom the fish want the bait. I start at about 18-24″.

    Stealth also seems to help. Watch your shadows and try to blend in to your surroundings. Go alone or get there first so your kids and buddies don’t spook fish. Back away before moving from spot to spot and quietly sneak up to the shore. Some of the biggest bass I find sit right under my nose next to shore. If they catch on to you before you catch them you’re toast. Quietly flip to close fishy looking spots first before casting farther away. I’ve spooked way to many close catchable big fish throwing over the top of them before exhausting close spots first. Try to softly present your baits rather than making a huge splash. The first time you cast to a spot may be your best or only chance at a fish in that spot all day. Big pond bass seem to catch on fast.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Good thoughts.

    I’ve tried the drop shot with limited success in the past. Seems like another good option though and maybe I can get my confidence back in it.

    I initially thought the ponds was 8′ max, but I am beginning to the the middle might get 10-15′. Some day I am going to just go around the pond with a thin bobber and a weight.

    Gregg Pfeifer
    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 889

    Pug, you’ve ruined my day with all this pond talk but keep it up, you got my blood flowing. There’s nothing I’d rather do than go pond fishing RIGHT NOW! I’ve got my 2 word letter of resignation all ready, it says, “Gone fishing!”

    Good luck, watch out for the gators and snakes.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    No gators in the pond I fish. No snakes so far, but I am vigilant. I always have an eye out for the true clear and present danger, fire ants.

    I should branch out for the ponds I fish too. I figure if I am stuck on land for now, boatless, I might as well stay close to home. I’d river fish, but there isn’t a lot of river fishing near me, because the banks are in accessible. I could travel to a park, but then why not stay close to home.

    The other option is saltwater.


    This is the pond. I’ve cast into Lake Breeze and Greenwood Lake. They look fishy, but my pond is easier to fish because there is no shrubbery or crap along the shore. I’d like to get a Kayak on Greenwood though. I am going to try the Northwest arm one of these morning. You can check out other nearby lakes too and maybe someone will see something I don’t.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12154

    Try dropshot rigs and also try wacky worms. I wish I would have known how to do these tactics years ago. All the places I’ve fished with big fish but high pressure…


    Gregg Pfeifer
    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 889

    No gators in the pond I fish. No snakes so far, but I am vigilant. I always have an eye out for the true clear and present danger, fire ants.

    I’ll be in Orlando at the end of the month. I’d bring a pole but it’d have to share the seat with my wife.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I’d bring a pole but it’d have to share the seat with my wife.

    Is that a problem? P

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