Polaris idler wheel replacement

  • Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3436

    I have a 1996 Polaris Indy Classic Touring 500 2 up that I need to replace an outside, front idler wheel. I ordered the replacement wheel/part number and went to put it on last night and noticed the bearing is about a quarter of an inch bigger than the pin the bearing will sit on. It looks like the old bearing had a sort of plastic spacer between the bearing and the pin shaft. Is there another part (i.e. plastic spacer) I need to buy? What am I missing?

    1. IMG_0448.jpg

    2. IMG_0450.jpg

    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 1787

    I don’t deal with snowmobiles much but I would imagine “bushing” is the term you’re looking for when you are searching.

    Good luck!

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