Polaris ATV Oil Change – Oil sump draining.

  • TheFamousGrouse
    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12260

    Question for those of you who do your own oil changes on the Polaris Sportsman and similar ATVs.

    I have a 2009 Sportsman 500 HO.

    The oil change requires draining the oil tank, where most of the oil is, and then also the sump, where there’s just a tiny bit of oil, I think no more than a couple of ounces comes out. And to get it out, you have to stand on your head to get to that plug. And then you have to go through a priming procedure.

    Is it really necessary to drain the sump every time? It just seems like a massive bunch of faffing around for the extra 1.72 ounces of oil. And I also worry that I’m not going to do that priming procedure right and harm the engine.

    Also I already feel like I’m changing oil more often than is necessary, this machine gets used a whopping 50 hours per year max and the hardest work it gets is towing the kids on a sled in the snow.

    Does everyone really do this sump drain process every time?

    Many thanks.


    Matthew Sandys
    Posts: 386

    Change it regularly and you will be good. I only did it once and figured a waste of time for that little bit since I change it often.

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    I’ve done it one time, enough to know it was a waste of my time. Not worth it to salvage such little oil. If it was in a spot where most contaminates would congregate, yeah. But it’s not so I never worried about it.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12260

    Thanks, guys. Was just starting to put together supplies for my spring maintenance day and that had me muttering under my breath already at the PITA it has been to change that little sump.

    Had the same thought as you more than once, ME. Even if it was a place where contaminants would gather, the unit has a filter that should be catching those, so there should be no contaminates unless something’s going very, very wrong.

    That’ll save some time for the maintenance day main event. Changing out the hydro fluid on the tractor.


    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    I know all too well about machine maintenance days…I have to split the case on my Kawasaki 700 ATV to replace a few things once the weather warms up…I also have a top end to do on a 90cc Honda…

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    Same here, I did it the first time and said to heck with that every other time. I bet the dealers skip it most of the time as well. whistling

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12260

    So do you guys clean out that little filter screen in the oil line every time?

    Am I correct in thinking that that screen just screens ventilation air, and not actual oil?


    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19001

    Im starting to notice those quads stored in my garage. Fluid changes and baths are due in another month or so. Not done sledding yet though!!! This weekend looks to be good. Could be the last.

    Posts: 124

    I think most everyone has done that plug 1 time : ) if you have a cartridge filter and have properly warmed up the vehicle prior to changing oil you should be all good.


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