Pointer field tek 3 Shotgun

  • Josh Runksmeier
    Pequot Lakes, MN
    Posts: 279

    Anyone have any experience with these shotguns? Most of the reviews are on there over unders. At a MSRP under $600 doesn’t seem too bad and I know you get what you pay for. Any info would be appreciated as there isn’t very much out there to go on. looking for a 20 gauge auto for my daughter


    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12214

    Pointer shotguns, at least the autoloader ones, are made by Armsan in Turkey, which is the same company that makes semi-automatics under many different brands. I looked at quite a few of these different Turkish Auto loaders including Pointers when I was looking for a trap shooting shotgun for my oldest son last year

    I ended up going with TriStar.
    I posted my review of the TriStar Youth model (also made by Armsan) here in the Shooters Test forum.

    The best I can describe many of these Armsan shotguns is that they are variations on a theme. Fit and finish varies and so do some of the minor points of the workings but overall they are very similar. I found the Tri-Star to be excellent and very reliable.

    Obviously it’s not as refined as higher end shotguns but that is not the point for many of us that are searching for a youth shotgun that is simply functional and fits well.


    Posts: 4

    How is the shotgun working for you? I purchased one myself last week and took it out for its first field test this afternoon. I was not at all impressed to say the least. I had misfires, fail to eject’s, and worse, Much worse.. I took video of a good portion of the review, but wish I had left the video going. it got bad after I turned off the camera. the gun actually fired multiple rounds with the single pull of the trigger. I had shotgun shells seperating when fired, etc. etc.

    Posts: 525

    I’m wary of these cheap semi autos as these companies often change designs year to year. Say you have a problem down the road (you most certainly will with a budget auto) can a gun smith source parts for your Tristar or pointer in 5,10 years? A model that was discontinued 18 months after it was made? Save your pennies and buy once cry once. Especially with firearms.

    My opinion

    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2839

    I ended up going with TriStar.
    I posted my review of the TriStar Youth model (also made by Armsan) here in the Shooters Test forum.
    Quoted from Grouse.

    I purchased a TriStar 20 ga. Autoloader, youth model for my Daughter. Good gun, never a hickup. But, I followed the instuctions which include tearing it down before firing, cleaning to remove existing grease, re-greasing and lubing, and then running a box of 3 inch mag loads through it. You may read a few poor reviews on the net, but if you investigate, they did not follow these instructions. I personally used the gun to hunt rabbits, quail, and doves a time or two. Super light weight, light recoil. My only complaint, and is a valid one. Is that it shot low with several brands of slugs. Not a good idea to have a kid or anyone shooting at deer when the barrel/rib/bead covers the point of impact. It it shot slugs a tinge high, that would be different. Maybe this was an anomoly to this particular shotgun, I do not know.

    Josh Runksmeier
    Pequot Lakes, MN
    Posts: 279

    My daughter is using a Smith and Wesson model 1000 20ga Seems to like it.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12214

    My daughter is using a Smith and Wesson model 1000 20ga Seems to like it.

    These are made in Japan by Howa, a maker that doesn’t need much by way of introduction as they have made Weatherby’s Vanguard rifles for decades.

    purchased a TriStar 20 ga. Autoloader, youth model for my Daughter. Good gun, never a hickup. But, I followed the instuctions which include tearing it down before firing, cleaning to remove existing grease, re-greasing and lubing, and then running a box of 3 inch mag loads through it.

    It is advisable to break in the gun per TriStar’s recommendation.

    However… I didn’t have time to do that, so I cleaned the gun and off to the trap range we went. Never the slightest issue.

    Like everything else, there are differing levels of quality when it comes to Turkish-made shotguns. Now that I have run over 1000 rounds through 2 TriStar’s with absolutely zero issues, I would rate TriStar very highly.

    Are these “family heirloom” guns? No. My whole point in buying TriStars for my sons was that they can beat these guns up running thousands of dirty target loads through them and the total cost is much, much less than buying Beretta or Benelli. There will be plenty of time after their HS trap years for them to acquire higher end guns, for now, the TriStars are more than good enough.

    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2839


    Posts: 4

    I know its been a few months since you posted this thread, but I recently bought the ft3 pointer 20 gauge auto loader. I had a horrible experience with the shotgun. actually a dangerous initial field test of the gun 2 days in a row. the gun is now on its way back to Legacy for a new replacement of the same gun. If that gun is anything like the one I sent away. I will be very disappointed.

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