Point 1 Antenna trouble shooting Please help.

  • gary glubka
    Posts: 14

    Bought a point1 months ago for my Gen2 Touch. I have tried everything (I can think of) to get it to perform like I heard/read it can. No luck. Anybody out there purchased and installed one and failed and then found success with an adjustment, upgrade etc..?

    Posts: 15

    Some units require calibration, my HDS Gen 1 did not, but in any event, you need to select it or the HDS unit will default to factory settings and the internal GPS antenna. I cannot recall how I did this, it was a couple of years ago, but I found a YouTube video on it. Search Lowrance Point 1 set up. There were a couple of good videos on setting up after install. Good luck, I really like mine and find boat control much easier with it.

    Posts: 776

    Is this hooked to a nema2000 network that is powered? I’ve had good performance out of mine it’s hooked too a HDS7 gen1 and a HDS8 gen2 I just saw the other post yes needs calibrated
    Stan wave

    gary glubka
    Posts: 14

    Did the set-up…check It is hooked to NEMA…and I’ve calibrated a number of times. I relocated the unit 3 or 4 times trying to eliminate the possibility of interference. I’ve done the upgrades. The tracking at slow speed is horrible. Certainly worse than without it. i’ve talked with tech support and they are not any real help. i’m thinking of switching to another brand. My first finder was Lowrance 35 years ago and running. I was trying to eliminate throwing markers, which draw other boats with binoculars from miles away (Rainy, Namakanetc.) Any recommendations? I just expect the stuff to work.

    Park Rapids
    Posts: 1452

    I have mine hooked up to 2 HDS8’s and absolutely love it! It has been several years since I hooked everything up. I haven’t used marker buoys in at least 5+ years.

    AS others have asked:

    IS Your NEMA “powered” up? Which means there should be power going to your backbone of the NEMA.

    Have you gone through the check list on the GEN2 and make sure the point1 antenna has been selected?

    Where did you buy the point1?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    to get it to perform like I heard/read it can.

    I’m a bit confuse as to the problem. The internal antenna should provide the location sources to eliminate tossing out markers.

    Is your bread crumb line all over the place? Your screen taking too long to redraw?

    The tracking at slow speed is horrible.

    Please explain a bit more so we understand exactly what it’s not doing for you.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Also your by looking at your gps, your boat should always be pointing the correct direction when using the Point1. Easy way to tell if it’s working.

    gary glubka
    Posts: 14

    My boat icon on the screen points the right way ‘most’ of the time. I have thrown a buoy and marked that same spot on the GPS. The boat icon on the screen, when trying to return to the mark/buoy, is nowhere close. In fact, as much as 10 meters off. I mark a spot on the GPs and try to return (to a tight pod of walleyes). It is an exercise of futility. I know I saw ’em but to get back on the school has been daunting and unsuccessful. As I said, I don’t want to throw buoys because of all the attraction. I don’t like throwing buoys and having to wind em up when i have not decided to stay on a spot. I know, I’m spoiled, but, I’ll pay for what I want when it comes down to it. I bought a greater refresh rate along with much greater accuracy (especially at slow hunting speeds) and I really would be very grateful to get what I purchased. I must be or have done some little thing wrong. So again, please help!

    gary glubka
    Posts: 14

    Oh, and…my overall catching success this year has been much less because of this. Bummer!

    gary glubka
    Posts: 14

    yes , yes and I bought a package with the Gen2 from The Fugawi rep in Bayport, MN.

    Lino Lakes, MN
    Posts: 1380

    Make sure your trail update is on time, not distance. Also make sure your Point-1 is level. The new ones have correction for not being level, pretty surprised they didn’t put that in the 1st gen units.

    gary glubka
    Posts: 14

    Thanks, I’ll try the trail update thing. I don’t know where it’s set? Not sure if I recall ever looking at it. I will now. As far as the level, that seems challenging…if not impossible. Tips? Level with the horizon?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    i’ve talked with tech support and they are not any real help.

    I think you might be better off selling it and buying something you have confidence it. If tech support wasn’t any real help, I’m not sure we’ll be any better then the guy that trouble shoot everyday.

    Where are you from that you measure feet in meters?

    gary glubka
    Posts: 14

    My family came here to the US from Poland some 200 years ago. I was born stateside. Incidentally, you and I have crossed wakes once or twice.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I don’t recall the name, but really at my age I forget my dogs name frequently.

    I just thought it was odd that someone would use meters rather then feet. Basically your saying you’re unit is 32ish feet off when you should be about 10 feet off.

    Have you checked the claimed accuracy in the satellite screen?
    Depending on how many satellites it’s tracking and the strength of signal, that 10 foot advertised error can be off more.

    Lino Lakes, MN
    Posts: 1380

    Thanks, I’ll try the trail update thing. I don’t know where it’s set? Not sure if I recall ever looking at it. I will now.

    I don’t recall exactly how to change this but this is close:


    This is from the link I posted above.

    The GPS refresh rates on Lowrance HDS units come from the factory with a default “auto” setting. This auto setting adjusts the GPS refresh rate based on your speed. Some settings work pretty well from the factory, but this is not one of them. If you’re speeding down the lake, the refresh rate is fast. If you’re idling slowly down a ledge, the refresh rate is very slow and does not update the micro movements. This causes serious update delays… causing your unit to live in the past. If precise boat positioning is important to you — and it should be — you want real time updates.
    The best way to get around these slow refresh rates is by going into the “Waypoints, Routes, and Trails menu.

    1) Press “Page”
    2) Press the right arrow on the cursor pad to scroll over to “Waypoints, Routes and Trails”
    3) Use the arrows to select “trails” and hit the “menu” button.
    4) Use the cursor pad to highlight settings, then press the enter button
    5) Change the “logging type” to “Time”
    6) Finally, set the time to “1 sec”. Press close and exit out.


    As far as the level, that seems challenging…if not impossible. Tips? Level with the horizon?

    Yes, level with the Horizon.

    I have found the issue is when you are moving really slow and I am not 100% convinced I have it fixed on my unit. I need to do a land based test to really verify. But I do know setting the trail to time has helped me in the past.

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