Poacher Sentenced. Not enough.

  • TheFamousGrouse
    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12248

    Totally agree. There should be a serial offender multiplier for every game and fish violator. This guy basically got the minimum sentence, that should be multiplied for every additional offense.

    I really believe that in MN we have a huge uncovered issue with rampant poaching and serial game law violators. I don’t think we have anything near the number of COs that a state with our resources should have.

    I would gladly pay $5 extra for each license I purchase (fishing, small game, deer, turkey, etc) if I knew that that money went directly to hiring more COs and busting more perps like this POS.


    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 733

    Wow. He must have had a reeeaaally good lawyer.

    Elmwood, WI
    Posts: 2254

    i agree on the lawyer. the penalty seems way low…

    Posts: 1552

    I really believe that in MN we have a huge uncovered issue with rampant poaching and serial game law violators. I don’t think we have anything near the number of COs that a state with our resources should have.

    I would gladly pay $5 extra for each license I purchase (fishing, small game, deer, turkey, etc) if I knew that that money went directly to hiring more COs and busting more perps like this POS.

    x 100

    Posts: 585

    It’s just sad knowing someone that would of enjoyed them deer much more than him could of had them. also it is a small penalty for such a large crime. Can’t believe people can sleep at night doing things like this.

    Quintin Biermann
    Posts: 170

    I know over in Sodak our COs would be out for blood and i doubt 3 years would have covered it. The funny thing is I am pretty sure you would get 1 year for 1 deer so three years for 13 seem absurd. In South Dakota if you are caught knowlingly tresspassing even for small game or fishing without a license automatic 1 year revocation of priveliges. This guy kills 13 deer illegally and is singing and dancing as far as punishment goes. – QB

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12924

    just heard on the news last nite those mounts they took from his home will be on display at the DNR wall of shame at the state fair!

    Posts: 12

    The article says they seized his truck and bow. Do they give them back? Or do they become DNR property?

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12924

    its the DNR’S now. it is my understanding if he wants it back he needs to buy it back at an auction!!!!!

    Will Roseberg
    Hanover, MN
    Posts: 2121

    its the DNR’S now. it is my understanding if he wants it back he needs to buy it back at an auction!!!!!

    I hope this is the case as otherwise that punishment is even more of a joke. And even then 3 years loss of privilege is way to short. One year and $1000 for every animal seems fair to me.

    Northern Todd County
    Posts: 611

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>glenn57 wrote:</div>
    its the DNR’S now. it is my understanding if he wants it back he needs to buy it back at an auction!!!!!

    I hope this is the case as otherwise that punishment is even more of a joke. And even then 3 years loss of privilege is way to short. One year and $1000 for every animal seems fair to me.

    I was thinking more like $3000 per animal, and I would agree one year per animal for loss of ALL outdoor privileges including fishing. I would put money on he would be the type of person who would take over his limit of fish as well.

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    If anyone thinks a “loss of privilege” will keep this guy out of the woods, well…

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    If anyone thinks a “loss of privilege” will keep this guy out of the woods, well…

    Good point.

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4329

    Loss of privilege means nothing to this guy. He is already doing whatever he wants. Now he won’t even buy a license. Our penalties in WI & MN are a joke. I agree on adding a few $$$ to a license for more CO.

    Posts: 1899

    I’m not defending this guy, but if the CO went to his house and found all of those shoulder mounts, they probably were from previous years, not just this year. It takes a long time to get a shoulder mount back. They were probably the deer he’s shot over the years.

    Maybe I read it wrong, but it doesn’t say how many deer he took this year, just that he was illegally party hunting with the other parties not present.

    Posts: 245

    Pretty sure he has plenty of meat in the freezer for 3 yrs, now. Talk about a tiny hand slap.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12924

    I went to the state fair and seen these mounts. there are some pretty impressive animals there. to bad they fell to illegal activity. also cant believe he had that many.:???:

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094

    Way too Light and should never be able to Hunt again anyplace, IMO!

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