Pmag 10 round magazines.

  • robby
    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2849

    Anyone have any insight or advise on best place/most inexpensive place to order and purchase Pmag 10 round magazines in .556/.223? I would appreciate your help. Happy New Year. I am looking for the short, actual 10 round mags also, better for hunting, being lighter that a loaded 30 round, and also better for shooting off bags or other rest. Thanks in advance.

    Posts: 9321

    I’ve just purchased them at Fleet. Even if you find a deal online, once you add shipping it equals out.

    Dave maze
    Posts: 1077

    If you have an account at midway usa they give you special pricing on your birthday.

    Posts: 4802

    Palmetto state armory emails me every day with different sales

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