Please send Prayers for my Mom and my family

  • jeff-pb-crappie-16.5
    SW Michigan
    Posts: 694

    My Dad passed away this morning. He was 83. He was the person that started my love of fishing and I cherish the time we had together. Please send prayers to my Mom for strength through this difficult time.

    1. scan0001.jpg

    Posts: 3917

    so sorry for your loss,sounds like he was the best!!
    prayers sent for your entire family.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Prayers for all of the family thru this hard time. For you, sorry for your loss too. Grandparents are special and hard to see go away. As long as you keep those good times together in your heart he’ll never really be gone.

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5727

    Prayers sent.


    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Prayers sent. Take care of yourself and those you love.

    Posts: 12

    my prayers to you and your mom and family

    ski junkie
    Grantsburg, Wisc
    Posts: 305

    Prayers sent for you and your family.

    Posts: 2687

    Great pic.

    Hope and pray your mom and family can get through the loss of your dad.

    Rush City MN
    Posts: 842

    Prayers sent. Keep the memories alive and take care of your loved ones.

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4335

    Prayers sent. Keep those memories and pics of the great times close at hand.

    SW Michigan
    Posts: 694

    Thank you so much for the prayers and thoughts. They are very much appreciated. Story about my Dad and the way he fished. We were fishing for walleyes on a lake in Michigan and fishing with a 2 hook crawler harnesses. Gave him a night crawler to bait the hook. When I turned around a few seconds later he had the night crawler on but he was also adding a minnow to the top hook. I told him that it wouldn’t work and he said it would. He called it a night crawler with a minnow chaser. And you know, he out fished us that morning. Sure going to miss him.


    Posts: 585

    Prayers sent man. Looks like God gained another angler.

    C & R
    Posts: 2

    Prayer sent. Be strong for mom. This will help both of you to grieve. Good luck in the future mom.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22940

    Prayers to your family. Sounds like he was a great father !

    Park Rapids
    Posts: 1452

    Prayers to you and your mother!

    Nick Cox
    Posts: 261

    I am happy that you and your father were able to spend some great time on the water together. Your family will be in my prayers. I am sure your dad will send you good luck if you ask him, and he will always be in the boat with you.

    Aniwa, WI
    Posts: 2548


    Remember the good times, they will always be with you. Prayers for your family.

    SW Michigan
    Posts: 694

    Thank you everyone for the thoughts and prayers. They are so greatly appreciated by me and my family.


    Jay Barr
    Posts: 2

    I am sorry for your loss.I pray for you and your family.

    SW Michigan
    Posts: 694

    Laid Dad to rest yesterday. Tough time. Thank you all again for your thoughts and prayers.


    State Center, Iowa
    Posts: 330

    Praying for you your mom and everyone in the family. Its always hard.

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    Prayers for you and yours, he’ll live in your heart forever.

    SW Michigan
    Posts: 694

    My Mom and family want to say thank you for all the thoughts and prayers. I know I said it before but they are so greatly appreciated.


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