Plastics storage question

  • mrpike1973
    Posts: 1507

    Last year I started putting my wacky worms in a plastic tackle tray worked good but I think the heat did something to the worms they seem sticky now? I don’t leave them out long but seemed they changed fast.

    Is it best to leave plastics in the bags and not in clear trays? what do you all do?

    Silly question do plastics ever get old? like do they lose scent get sticky etc.

    Posts: 6688

    Some tackle trays aren’t “worm safe/proof”, meaning the plastic and baits react with each other.

    It’s not a problem for short term storage, but overtime stuff can get gooey. Also store plastics separate from painted or clear coated things (like jig heads and Rapalas).

    Your best bet is to keep the plastics stored in the bags they came in.

    You can buy 3700 boxes with no dividers and lay a bunch of bags in them.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Worm trays are supposed to be worm-proof but worm plastic can still pull certain components out of the tray’s plastic and get slimy or in your case sticky. Any plastic soft bait left in a closed tray like a plano will get oily with time. Even seemingly dry soft plastics will oil up in the bags they’re sold in over time and heat seems to be the accelerant to this in both bags and boxes.

    I don’t make plastics in quantities that I won’t use right away. When I first began injecting plastics I made up severa hundred of my favorite baits so I wouldn’t have to bother with making them should I run out. Those stored in bulk bags in a dark cool closet even got oily with time so now I make what I’ll use within a week or so.

    Posts: 252

    I use a berkley 1490 bait binder. Leave the plastics in the bag they come in and put them in the larger pages of the binder. 40+ bags in one binder and easy to flip through and find what you want.

    Lou W
    Posts: 206

    I pretty much stick with plastics that don’t bleed so I just use zip lock baggies to carry an asst each day

    Posts: 1507

    The ones I had in the plastic tray can I put them in regular ziplock bags? Or should I throw them away there not terrible but very oily like. after this I will keep them in there original bags thanks for the help.

    David Blais
    Posts: 766

    I leave them in the original bag, and I will sort by style. Toss the original bag in 2 gallon zips. Then I carry a dark duffel bag with all my 2 gallon zips in it. No issues

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    I’d just bag them up and find another way to store the bags. Maybe one of the index type folders. I know there are stick-on tabs to make the bags fit the binder rings.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    It is best to use the original packaging. Not only do plastics interact with trays over time, mixing different plastic baits together will also interact, bleed, melt with each other. Cool if you are looking for a unique custom color, otherwise not cool.

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